VGPolyglot said:
A public meeting place? This site is privately owned, it's by definition not a public meeting place. I have no idea why wanting to allow discussion of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. discussion is such a priority, there would be nothing of value lost by prohibiting that. What is civil? If you look at the thread I posted, what do we gain from these types of posts? |
The automatic stance you take here is the real problem. That anyone who has some kind of dissenting opinion from a left-leaning ideal has it because they're some kind of -ist or -phobe. You can change someone's mind with civil discussion. You cannot do that when you shut them out entirely or attack them. There are some things I believed for a long time that changed as I interacted with people and experienced more. Instead of trying to understand someone and get them to understand you, you find it better to try to silence them where you can or attack them. Which only emboldens them. You're not helping. You're merely fanning a fire. You think you're isolating these people but in reality you're ensuring that the only input they receive is from people who already think the way they do and reinforcing people like you as a negative force.