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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%
VGPolyglot said:
Aura7541 said:

This is something that has to be measured over a period of time in order to come to a conclusion. Naming a few examples does not necessarily represent that is the general trend. There can also be several other reasons why activity in this forum has been declining or it can be a combination of many factors that has contributed to the lower activity.

I'm going to have to agree more with Raven722 on this one considering that a forum is by definition, a public meeting place for open discussion. Trying to prohibit dissent goes against the principles of what a forum is supposed to be. Of course, there should be rules against meaningless mudslinging, but as long as opinions are expressed in a civil matter and not over the line (e.g. "Death to all ________"), they should be allowed.

A public meeting place? This site is privately owned, it's by definition not a public meeting place. I have no idea why wanting to allow discussion of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. discussion is such a priority, there would be nothing of value lost by prohibiting that. What is civil? If you look at the thread I posted, what do we gain from these types of posts? 

The automatic stance you take here is the real problem. That anyone who has some kind of dissenting opinion from a left-leaning ideal has it because they're some kind of -ist or -phobe. You can change someone's mind with civil discussion. You cannot do that when you shut them out entirely or attack them. There are some things I believed for a long time that changed as I interacted with people and experienced more. Instead of trying to understand someone and get them to understand you, you find it better to try to silence them where you can or attack them. Which only emboldens them. You're not helping. You're merely fanning a fire. You think you're isolating these people but in reality you're ensuring that the only input they receive is from people who already think the way they do and reinforcing people like you as a negative force.

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Aura7541 said:
VGPolyglot said:

A public meeting place? This site is privately owned, it's by definition not a public meeting place. I have no idea why wanting to allow discussion of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. discussion is such a priority, there would be nothing of value lost by prohibiting that. What is civil? If you look at the thread I posted, what do we gain from these types of posts? 

That is not mutually exclusive. The site is privately owned, but is also available for public view and does not charge money for creating an account. Hence, this forum is public, in practice.

And if you really think those posts are abhorrent, then why haven't you reported this to the mod team? You say one thing and yet, you don't act on it. It is one thing to say this opinion you don't agree with is an "-ist" or "-phobic" statement and not do anything else. It is another thing when you report comments that you perceive to be "-ist" or "-phobic" and make your case in the reports. Why bring these posts to me now when they should've been addressed already? You effectively contributed to the problem that you're complaining about.

Not to mention, what tripped you off was a mere disagreement. In addition, you gave oxygen to the dissent and brought more attention to it via the Streisand Effect. Disagree with GOWLOTZ? Explain why you disagree with his opinions. It's that simple.

Hmm, let's see, there were at least 5-6 mods who posted in that thread, I thought that maybe CGI locking the previous thread was a turning point, but unfortunately it seems like i was wrong and that it's still a rampant problem on the site. And why should I have to say I disagree with GOWTLOZ? That topic is not for here, I don't need people complaining about the gays and the women in this thread. Besides, I can't say why I disagree with his opinions; namely because for some reason calling people out on sexism and homophobia is against the rules here, and also because I made a deal with AngryLittleAlchemist that I wouldn't talk about political or politically-related topics on here, but since the subject was brought here, I pretty much had to respond to it.

VGPolyglot said:
Aura7541 said:

That is not mutually exclusive. The site is privately owned, but is also available for public view and does not charge money for creating an account. Hence, this forum is public, in practice.

And if you really think those posts are abhorrent, then why haven't you reported this to the mod team? You say one thing and yet, you don't act on it. It is one thing to say this opinion you don't agree with is an "-ist" or "-phobic" statement and not do anything else. It is another thing when you report comments that you perceive to be "-ist" or "-phobic" and make your case in the reports. Why bring these posts to me now when they should've been addressed already? You effectively contributed to the problem that you're complaining about.

Not to mention, what tripped you off was a mere disagreement. In addition, you gave oxygen to the dissent and brought more attention to it via the Streisand Effect. Disagree with GOWLOTZ? Explain why you disagree with his opinions. It's that simple.

Hmm, let's see, there were at least 5-6 mods who posted in that thread, I thought that maybe CGI locking the previous thread was a turning point, but unfortunately it seems like i was wrong and that it's still a rampant problem on the site. And why should I have to say I disagree with GOWTLOZ? That topic is not for here, I don't need people complaining about the gays and the women in this thread. Besides, I can't say why I disagree with his opinions; namely because for some reason calling people out on sexism and homophobia is against the rules here, and also because I made a deal with AngryLittleAlchemist that I wouldn't talk about political or politically-related topics on here, but since the subject was brought here, I pretty much had to respond to it.

Nothing they said was sexist or homophobic. That was your automatic conceit the moment they said they didn't agree with how Naughty Dog is handling diversity. You absolutely refused to see it for anything else. 

Raven722 said:
VGPolyglot said:

A public meeting place? This site is privately owned, it's by definition not a public meeting place. I have no idea why wanting to allow discussion of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. discussion is such a priority, there would be nothing of value lost by prohibiting that. What is civil? If you look at the thread I posted, what do we gain from these types of posts? 

The automatic stance you take here is the real problem. That anyone who has some kind of dissenting opinion from a left-leaning ideal has it because they're some kind of -ist or -phobe. You can change someone's mind with civil discussion. You cannot do that when you shut them out entirely or attack them. There are some things I believed for a long time that changed as I interacted with people and experienced more. Instead of trying to understand someone and get them to understand you, you find it better to try to silence them where you can or attack them. Which only emboldens them. You're not helping. You're merely fanning a fire. You think you're isolating these people but in reality you're ensuring that the only input they receive is from people who already think the way they do and reinforcing people like you as a negative force.

You can change someone's mind with civil discussion, but that doesn't mean you will. Other people on these forums try taking a more civil stance, but of course as we can see that hasn't helped either as they're still here talking of the same subjects. I'm upset because I want to remain a part of this community but it's also got a really dark side to it.

VGPolyglot said:

Hmm, let's see, there were at least 5-6 mods who posted in that thread, I thought that maybe CGI locking the previous thread was a turning point, but unfortunately it seems like i was wrong and that it's still a rampant problem on the site. And why should I have to say I disagree with GOWTLOZ? That topic is not for here, I don't need people complaining about the gays and the women in this thread. Besides, I can't say why I disagree with his opinions; namely because for some reason calling people out on sexism and homophobia is against the rules here, and also because I made a deal with AngryLittleAlchemist that I wouldn't talk about political or politically-related topics on here, but since the subject was brought here, I pretty much had to respond to it.

And there were no reports from you. You linked those posts as 'problematic' posts and yet, you never reported them to the mod team. Just because 5-6 mods posted in that thread, it doesn't mean we're there for every nanosecond, so stop blaming your screwup on us.

Disagreeing with a game's direction does not necessarily mean that someone is complaining about homosexuals and women. And what about homosexuals and women are they 'complaining' about? Their mere presence? Or the execution of how they are put into the limelight?

The topic is fair game because it was about a 1st party title for the PS4. If you can't handle simple dissent, then perhaps you shouldn't have brought so much attention to it considering how you vehemently disagreed with it. Leave the comment alone. If anyone else replies to him, then just let it run its course.

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Raven722 said:
VGPolyglot said:

Hmm, let's see, there were at least 5-6 mods who posted in that thread, I thought that maybe CGI locking the previous thread was a turning point, but unfortunately it seems like i was wrong and that it's still a rampant problem on the site. And why should I have to say I disagree with GOWTLOZ? That topic is not for here, I don't need people complaining about the gays and the women in this thread. Besides, I can't say why I disagree with his opinions; namely because for some reason calling people out on sexism and homophobia is against the rules here, and also because I made a deal with AngryLittleAlchemist that I wouldn't talk about political or politically-related topics on here, but since the subject was brought here, I pretty much had to respond to it.

Nothing they said was sexist or homophobic. That was your automatic conceit the moment they said they didn't agree with how Naughty Dog is handling diversity. You absolutely refused to see it for anything else. 

That's the only logical conclusion that can be made.

Aura7541 said:
VGPolyglot said:

Hmm, let's see, there were at least 5-6 mods who posted in that thread, I thought that maybe CGI locking the previous thread was a turning point, but unfortunately it seems like i was wrong and that it's still a rampant problem on the site. And why should I have to say I disagree with GOWTLOZ? That topic is not for here, I don't need people complaining about the gays and the women in this thread. Besides, I can't say why I disagree with his opinions; namely because for some reason calling people out on sexism and homophobia is against the rules here, and also because I made a deal with AngryLittleAlchemist that I wouldn't talk about political or politically-related topics on here, but since the subject was brought here, I pretty much had to respond to it.

And there were no reports from you. You linked those posts as 'problematic' posts and yet, you never reported them to the mod team. Just because 5-6 mods posted in that thread, it doesn't mean we're there for every nanosecond, so stop blaming your screwup on us.

Disagreeing with a game's direction does not necessarily mean that someone is complaining about homosexuals and women. And what about homosexuals and women are they 'complaining' about? Their mere presence? Or the execution of how they are put into the limelight?

The topic is fair game because it was about a 1st party title for the PS4. If you can't handle simple dissent, then perhaps you shouldn't have brought so much attention to it considering how you vehemently disagreed with it. Leave the comment alone. If anyone else replies to him, then just let it run its course.

Oh, my screwup? I am not a moderator, so there is no screwup of mine to be discussed. And they're not just disagreeing with the game's direction, they're specifically disagreeing with the homosexual and female-power aspects of it, if you read the posts it's clear as day. And it's my thread (or rather was my thread), so I should be able to block discussion of people trying to complain of some "SJW agenda" in here, do you see me trying to promote socialism in this thread?

VGPolyglot said:
Raven722 said:

Nothing they said was sexist or homophobic. That was your automatic conceit the moment they said they didn't agree with how Naughty Dog is handling diversity. You absolutely refused to see it for anything else. 

That's the only logical conclusion that can be made.

No. It isn't. That's your problem. You refuse to see it any other way. Because you don't WANT there to be any other way. You don't want to hear anything that might disagree with you. Instead of trying to understand it you attack it by labeling it some nasty term and trying to bury it. Little did you realize you just made an enemy out of someone who was probably entirely reasonable and could have been convinced otherwise. You refused to look at them as a person anymore and wanted to demonize them. That exchange was more damning of your character than theirs. You didn't even want to entertain the possibility that they may have a point. What if they themselves are a woman or gay? My cousin is both and she would feel the same way.

Bristow9091 said:
VGPolyglot said:

Oh, my screwup? I am not a moderator, so there is no screwup of mine to be discussed. And they're not just disagreeing with the game's direction, they're specifically disagreeing with the homosexual and female-power aspects of it, if you read the posts it's clear as day. And it's my thread (or rather was my thread), so I should be able to block discussion of people trying to complain of some "SJW agenda" in here, do you see me trying to promote socialism in this thread?

No but I see you trying to defend the reason why you didn't report those posts by passing the blame onto the mod team, keep it up champ ;) 

OK then, I'll report those posts now then, and see if you do anything about them.

I would also like to point something out that kinda strengthens my point. This whole conversation started with a post made about 7 hours ago. In that time there have been close to the same number of posts made in that 7 hour span as there were in the 48 hours before that.