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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%

For those of you who are interested:

Around the Network

Results of the last poll (thanks to Raven and Ryuu for the idea):

Well got Jak collection and while Jak II is not glitching it has  some serious slowdown. Like it is playing on the 80% speed of what it should be.

konnichiwa said:

Well got Jak collection and while Jak II is not glitching it has  some serious slowdown. Like it is playing on the 80% speed of what it should be.

So, it's like the first one then I see.

Official sales update from Sony on the PlayStation 4 and on PlayStation VR:

  • Sony has sold more than 70.6million PlayStation 4 units as of December 3rd
  • More than 617.8million copies op PlayStation 4 games have been sold as of December 3rd. This means that on average each PS4 owner has purchased 8.75 games
  • Sony has sold more than 2million PlayStation VR units as of December 3rd
  • More than 12.2million copies of PlayStation VR games have been sold as of December 3rd. This means that on average each PSVR owner has purchased 2.03 games.

Around the Network
poklane said:

Official sales update from Sony on the PlayStation 4 and on PlayStation VR:

  • Sony has sold more than 70.6million PlayStation 4 units as of December 3rd
  • More than 617.8million copies op PlayStation 4 games have been sold as of December 3rd. This means that on average each PS4 owner has purchased 8.75 games
  • Sony has sold more than 2million PlayStation VR units as of December 3rd
  • More than 12.2million copies of PlayStation VR games have been sold as of December 3rd. This means that on average each PSVR owner has purchased 2.03 games.

Ah nice, sold through numbers!

twintail said:
VGPolyglot said:

Open world? I didn't even know that we had any info for the gameplay.

im pretty sure this has always been known

Hmm, I missed that information somehow.

TGAs starting in less than two hours!!

Sure as hell looks like Bloodborne 2 to me