twintail said:
VGPolyglot said:
I forgot about that, I usually just assume that the low tier games will be shown there.
yeah but to be fair last year we got gameplay reveal for ME, gameplay for Zelda, a Death Stranding trailer, premieres of Halo wars 2 and Prey. The year before it we got some UC4, Quantum Break and Far Cry Primal.
and to be fair, Soul Calibur is hardly bigger than any of those. And they might want a mulitplatform reveal rather than just PS4.
Well, if there is a Soul Calibur VI or Devil May Cry 5 reveal, either of those two will make me satisfied! Though I'd also love to see gameplay of Resident Evil 2 Remake and Final Fantasy VII Remake, I don't know if we'll see them at PSX or not.