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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Spencer: We Have Just Signed Exclusives That Won’t Be Ready for 2-3 Years, No Point in Showing Them

Snoopy said:
Barkley said:

I was saying sparse in terms of exclusives, not timed/multiplatform titles.

Forza 7, Crackdown 3, Halo Wars 2 and Super Lucky are it for the year I think.

They are still not planned for playstation for 2017 and some of them didn't even mention playstation.

Cities Skylines has been rated for PS4 apparently, but any game announced as a "launch exclusive" is pretty much a guarantee it'll arrive on ps4 at some point. But I meant games that would come out in 2017 and stay exclusive.

But alas we're getting offtopic.

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Barkley said:
Pemalite said:

Microsoft stated it is a Multi-billion dollar profitable business.

This doesn't affect your point in any way, but I just need to point out and laugh that at the bottom of that article it says "Sony might be leading the race in terms of console units sold, but there are tens of millions more Xbox Live subscribers out there"

Oh Windows Central. 

Exactly, anythings profitable when you manipulate and cherry pick.  I knew this kneejerk would happen though, silly MS.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

BraLoD said:
XBOX E3 2014 disagress with that...
Didn't he say Scalebound was cancelled because it was announced too early, just some days ago?

Spin gonna spin.

He was just put in charge around then. He said on countless interviews that was something he didn't want to do again and show off games too early.

How many of those will be canceled. Place your bets!

Those games won't come until next gen then, or they will be small budget games that aren't very ambitious. A new IP like Horizon or Days Gone takes like 4-6 years of development time, If he just signed deals then we either won't see anything this gen, or if we do it'll be low budget stuff like ReCore.

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He’s not a fan of marketing deals with console exclusive content, but he's fine with this.

zero129 said:
Kerotan said:

You mean the best at getting them on their platforms.  If the others were more appealing they'd release there too. 

Great, so then you been complaining about MS getting exclusives when you have had no need to it seems since Sony is doing a better job at this. Thanks for blowing my mind .

Haha MS are the ones who came out saying timed exclusive and exclusive content isn't good.  Meanwhile they've been doing both.  Biggest hypocrites going. 

zero129 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Ill get the list of timed exclusives in a little  (because im about to crash). Sony showed true exclusives that were higher in value and third parties for the PS4 and VR. Their focus was not on the same thing because they werent as desperate to show they had things as Microsoft was. lol

You mean you still have not been a sleep since last night O_O .

I work very long hours. Lol 

DonFerrari said:

Do you really want to go and show how much support MS themselves gave X360 in the latest years of its life? And yes Sony may abbandon PS4 in the latter life, just doesn't seem it would be the case considering PS1,2,3

If they "abandoned" the 360 then it shouldn't be too hard, no? That would mean zero titles. Or wait, let me guess. By "abandon", which is a pretty clear cut situation, you're actually meaning "well they didn't release enough for me personally". Which would make any attempt by me to show they actually did support the 360 for a decade after it launched pointless, because your mind is made up. Just understand that when you say they abandoned something, rational people aren't going to agree with your subjective definition of abandoned :) They released games up until a decade after the 360 launched. They didn't abandon it :) Hope that helps.


Kaneman! said:
So much Xbox hate on these forums, it's impressive! MS must be doing something right.

On topic, Spencer is right. a reveal has more oomph if it's announced for the upcoming year, not many years in advance. You wouldn't see Bethesda announce TES VI 2 years in advance either.

I'm going to be honest. Sony and nintnedo announced games early because their studios are good at delivering.