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Forums - Sports Discussion - NBA Finals Discussion- warriors clean up in five games, win it all 129-120

monocle_layton said:

Cavs allowed Warriors to score final 11 points
Curry had 13 rebounds this game ALONE

Thompson has 13 rebounds all three games. Why the hell are they paying this man 80 million?

The Cavs chucked up threes and tried to stall the clock against a team with the best offense. Why would they do that?

The cavs deserve to lose. This is a wakeup call to them. Unlike the Warriors, the Cavs just slapped on talent and took huge paychecks.

Hopefully Boston or any other team gets good enough to topple them. They have no urgency whatsoever

This team is good, but they're still capable of losing

 Doesn't seem like the Cavs want to win

I agree, this isn't the Cavs that fought like dogs in 2015 or came back from down 3-1 last year.  Where's the close out hustle?  Where's the rough and tumble grit?  Why the hell does the least physical player have 13 rebounds for the Warriors?  Wat does it take for the Cavs to get freaking pissed?  To light the fire under their ass.  I feel like I'm watching the first Clubber Lang fight in Rocky III.  I hope this gets under their skin.  I hope this pisses them off.  I hope they don't shrug it off.  Cause then maybe they will get that killer instinct back.  I want to see the 1st to 3rd quarter cavs all game in every game that matters.  

I still have less than 0 respect for Durant.  I still hate the Warrior's organization assembling a stacked team that has contributed to the utter lack of competition in the league.  But the Cavs CAN go toe to toe with them if they would just get their shit together.  

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PAOerfulone said:

I think the Showtime Lakers could give them a lot of problems. 
Who on this team can guard Kareem?

No one


People are exaggerating. Yes, this Warriors team is brutal, but the Cavs are the one digging their graves by trying to match their tempo.


The Bulls dynasty and the showtime lakers would slow down the game and not slack off. They would also not chuck up threes, nor would they let Curry get 13 rebounds in one game (Tristan thompson has 13 in three games)

KLAMarine said:
Fuck you Durant you spineless coattail rider. And Zaza, eat shit.

Kevin Durant is best player of the world. Cry...

PAOerfulone said:

I think the Showtime Lakers could give them a lot of problems. 
Who on this team can guard Kareem?

I'll argue that it isn't PRIME Kareem. While still amazing, he was on the down turn. My biggest problem is that who could possibly guard Curry from the showtime Lakers, seeing how Magic would have Klay.

If I had to say a team to potetnially be close, I would say the 08 Celtics. Prime Rondo, BOTH Allens, Garnett, Pierce, and let's not forget, the GOAT Brian Scalabrine.

Ugh, what an unappealing finals.. Two teams I dislike going at it for the third time. While I'm not crazy about Golden State, especially after they've formed something of a superteam and hearing about some thugish tactics they've apparently employed, I still would rather see LeBron lose. I also like Steve Kerr as a Bulls fan so I guess I'd prefer to see them win. If my Bulls miss it yet again next year (which is like a 99% chance of happening in the forseeable future), I REALLY hope at least we can see two new teams in the finals next year (preferably no Spurs or Lakers out of the West though either), especially out of the East where LeBron's been in the damn finals for like 8 out of 10 years. 


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden

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Nuvendil said:
monocle_layton said:

Cavs allowed Warriors to score final 11 points
Curry had 13 rebounds this game ALONE

Thompson has 13 rebounds all three games. Why the hell are they paying this man 80 million?

The Cavs chucked up threes and tried to stall the clock against a team with the best offense. Why would they do that?

The cavs deserve to lose. This is a wakeup call to them. Unlike the Warriors, the Cavs just slapped on talent and took huge paychecks.

Hopefully Boston or any other team gets good enough to topple them. They have no urgency whatsoever

This team is good, but they're still capable of losing

 Doesn't seem like the Cavs want to win

I agree, this isn't the Cavs that fought like dogs in 2015 or came back from down 3-1 last year.  Where's the close out hustle?  Where's the rough and tumble grit?  Why the hell does the least physical player have 13 rebounds for the Warriors?  Wat does it take for the Cavs to get freaking pissed?  To light the fire under their ass.  I feel like I'm watching the first Clubber Lang fight in Rocky III.  I hope this gets under their skin.  I hope this pisses them off.  I hope they don't shrug it off.  Cause then maybe they will get that killer instinct back.  I want to see the 1st to 3rd quarter cavs all game in every game that matters.  

I still have less than 0 respect for Durant.  I still hate the Warrior's organization assembling a stacked team that has contributed to the utter lack of competition in the league.  But the Cavs CAN go toe to toe with them if they would just get their shit together.  

The Warriors built their team. Notice that besides Durant, they were patient and got lucky enough to gain solid players. Add in a great system and they may be able to turn into the next Spurs. The Jazz have done this, and I honestly see them two being the most solid Western teams.


The Cavs bought most of their team. You can dislike Durant, but the Warriors allowed themselves to be garbage and build up in order to reach this level.


They took McGee, a player everyone said was bad, and made him a serious rim protector threat. Says a lot about them

I think this is a case of Cubs syndrome.

I feel like when the Cubs and Cavs won, they thought it'd be a breeze again, which has resulted in them didappointing us

The problem I see for the Cavs in the future is their potential growth. LeBron in this Finals kinda feels like his age his showing, but on top of that, they have major role players aging as well in Jefferson, JR, Korver, and Frye, AND have major salary cap issues with Love, Thompson, and the constant upgrades giving LeBron a TON of cash. I could see this Cavs team falling downhill next year minus Love and Irving, and I'll make the prediction they won't make the Finals next year.

Well at least the game was entertaining and not a blow out.

The series will go to 7 games and 4 straight wins to win 4-3. The Cavs are not finished yet!