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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Switch Online announced



This paid service lets Nintendo Switch owners enjoy online multiplayer gaming as well as a dedicated smartphone app that connects to your Nintendo Switch system and helps you connect with friends for online play sessions.

Enjoy online services for free until the paid service’s official launch in 2018.



Classic Game Selection


Subscribers will get to download a compilation of classic titles with added online play, such as Super Mario Bros. 3, Balloon Fight and Dr. Mario.


After the free-trial period, most games will require a paid online service subscription from Nintendo in order to play online.

This service is only for Nintendo Switch. It does not affect online play or features for the Wii U or Nintendo 3DS family of systems.


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Horrible value but at least the price is quite affordable.

Zkuq said:
Horrible value but at least the price is quite affordable.

Thank goodness for that. $20 makes me less sick than $60.


I'll be making Microsoft pay for it anyways. They started this mess.

Damn that's cheap. How are the servers? I expect they wouldn't be amazing this close to launch but $20 is a prett amazing price for a year compared to the competition.

Well that's basically as low as we expected so there's that but it's essentially all $20 for online play. PSN and Gold are pricer but the value they offer makes it a compelling purchase even without online play.

Around the Network

Microsoft has a lot to answer for, or is it the gullible gaming community that also bought in Sony's 'me too' pricing model 

Zkuq said:
Horrible value but at least the price is quite affordable.

What makes its horrible value for $20 a year?

Holy fuck! That looks cheap!

Pocky Lover Boy! 


that's... cheap

Click HERE and be happy 

wait, is not even e3 and we get the price o_o

Click HERE and be happy