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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. May bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Just when you start to wonder if maybe Switch demand is slowing...

and then the stock refresh happens :P

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I don't get the Switch Amazon prices...why are they $400+ and they change all the time? I've been trying to maybe buy one but the prices are super inconsistent.

I'm a noob when it comes this kind of stuff. One of my family members lives in the U.S and will come to visit me next month and I want to take the opportunity to buy a Switch if possible, since is super expensive in my country (thanks taxes!).

Nintendo and PC gamer

osed125 said:

I don't get the Switch Amazon prices...why are they $400+ and they change all the time? I've been trying to maybe buy one but the prices are super inconsistent.

I'm a noob when it comes this kind of stuff. One of my family members lives in the U.S and will come to visit me next month and I want to take the opportunity to buy a Switch if possible, since is super expensive in my country (thanks taxes!).

Resellers and small time retailers selling via Amazon jacking the prices up as high as they can when all the stock from the major respectable retailers like Amazon, Gamestop, Best Buy, etc sell out.  That's why you'll see the Switch slide down the ranks and then jump to the top when new stock comes in.  And they keep changing because the prices are being pushed as high as demand can sustain so they dip from time to time.  And fall the most in the lead up to a stock refresh for the major retailers.  Be on the look out for such a refresh on the 26th

Nuvendil said:
osed125 said:

I don't get the Switch Amazon prices...why are they $400+ and they change all the time? I've been trying to maybe buy one but the prices are super inconsistent.

I'm a noob when it comes this kind of stuff. One of my family members lives in the U.S and will come to visit me next month and I want to take the opportunity to buy a Switch if possible, since is super expensive in my country (thanks taxes!).

Resellers and small time retailers selling via Amazon jacking the prices up as high as they can when all the stock from the major respectable retailers like Amazon, Gamestop, Best Buy, etc sell out.  That's why you'll see the Switch slide down the ranks and then jump to the top when new stock comes in.  And they keep changing because the prices are being pushed as high as demand can sustain so they dip from time to time.  And fall the most in the lead up to a stock refresh for the major retailers.  Be on the look out for such a refresh on the 26th

Cool, thanks for the info.

I'll be monitoring the prices until it hits a good mark. $350 should be an ideal spot for me.

Nintendo and PC gamer

Switch murdering everything, 1-2 years it will have outsell ps4.

Switch the new ps2!

Ps4 does need a pricecut, almost 4 years and still officially 300bucks 0.0


My youtube gaming page.

Around the Network
xl-klaudkil said:
Switch murdering everything, 1-2 years it will have outsell ps4.

Switch the new ps2!

Ps4 does need a pricecut, almost 4 years and still officially 300bucks 0.0

I really don't think the PS4 needs a price cut unless sales says it does.  No sense throwing away money if the market can support that $300 price tag.  I certainly don't think it needs to drop to $200 straight away, I think that would be crazy.

It's the same stance I have with the Switch: the $300 price tag should stay for as long as the market supports it.  Price drops when not needed don't have their full potential effect on sales and serve to devalue the brand at an accelerated rate.

15 hours since last update:

#02 NS Neon (up 24)
#04 NS Grey (up 9)
#17 PS4 UC4 (down 2)
#47 Retron HD (down 5)
#84 PS4 Fool's Edition (up 16)

SOFTWARE (Pre-orders Only) **:
#05 3DS Fire Emblem Echoes (down 1)
#10 NS ARMS (new entry)

Does not affect this month: *
Software outside of the month only gets added if it's in the top 20: **

PS4: 2 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
XB1: 0 in the top 100 / 0 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
NIS:  2 in the top 100 / 2 in the top 50 / 2 in the top 20 / 2 in the top 10 / 2 in the top 5


The PS5 Exists. 

Well, that ARMS direct seems to have had an impact :P

#10 ARMS (^_^)v

Splatoon open in Japan! Bye bye everything else...


The first non-splatoon item now at 8... Lol

Bet with PeH: 

I win if Arms sells over 700 000 units worldwide by the end of 2017.

Bet with WagnerPaiva:


I win if Emmanuel Macron wins the french presidential election May 7th 2017.