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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Blizzard Designer: Hearthstone On Switch Is "A Good Discussion Worth Having "

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it would work on any console. most players need so much time for 1 turn, a gamepad wouldn't change much. it works well with the f2p model, aslong you have self-control (which a typical vgchartz user hasn't, throwing so much money away for collectors edition, multiple console revision, rereleases, amiibos).

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StarDoor said:
DarthVolod said:

Would love to have it on PS4. Switch would benefit greatly from it too; lord knows it needs more games right now.

Best system for it and easiest to port in terms of keeping the interface the same would probably be Vita (not that anyone would really play it on it though).

Out of curiosity, why would it be easiest on Vita?

I was referring to the use of Vita's touch screen. I think the game controls most naturally with either a nice touch screen or a mouse. Would be somewhat awkward to control with a PS4 or xbox one controller imo, but I would get used to it I guess. 

No idea how easy it would be to actually port to the Vita though ... beyond my skill set of course. 

DarthVolod said:
StarDoor said:

Out of curiosity, why would it be easiest on Vita?

I was referring to the use of Vita's touch screen. I think the game controls most naturally with either a nice touch screen or a mouse. Would be somewhat awkward to control with a PS4 or xbox one controller imo, but I would get used to it I guess. 

No idea how easy it would be to actually port to the Vita though ... beyond my skill set of course. 

But the Switch also has a capacitive touch screen.

StarDoor said:
DarthVolod said:

I was referring to the use of Vita's touch screen. I think the game controls most naturally with either a nice touch screen or a mouse. Would be somewhat awkward to control with a PS4 or xbox one controller imo, but I would get used to it I guess. 

No idea how easy it would be to actually port to the Vita though ... beyond my skill set of course. 

But the Switch also has a capacitive touch screen.

Really? I played on one and never even noticed. 

In that case, full speed ahead Switch version of Hearthstone then, that would be great. Still probably better on a phone though since wifi is not required, but oh well.