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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jim Sterling’s site under attack after Zelda: BotW review

archer9234 said:
palou said:

Sorry, I meant stamina container. But Hateno should be doable without upgrades.

Well, I fell off, by an inch, Got fustrated. And went to do something else. So the point system limit screwed the progress I wanted to do.

I mean, as long as it's doable, it can be classified as difficulty - which isn't necessarily something bad. I guess you might sill need some time getting used to the mechanics. Because, as said, very little is completely undoable without upgrades. It's one thing that I found strange about Sterling's review. He complains that the game does not encourage approaching problems differently, while apparently being restricted by stamina (which could be solved by approaching problems differently)

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get the climbers cap in one of the early shrines. it speeds up climbing when worn. I have zero stamina upgrades and can climb almost anything. theres also different techniques to reset the stam bar.  like the first thing i did was climb one of the huge ganon pillars and glide into hyrule castle for end game weapons and bows to start of the game. the climb took a while but i got the hang of it and now can do it blindfolded.


I like how gamers are even giving advice on how to progress, even in this thread. What is better than this?! Great cooperation and all about good gaming. As it should be!

golfgt170 said:
I like how gamers are even giving advice on how to progress, even in this thread. What is better than this?! Great cooperation and all about good gaming. As it should be!

At the end of the day, we all join together and become GameFaqs

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

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The reaction from even normal Nintendo fans just shows why people were afraid to give it less than a 9, regardless of its issues. Can't really trust Zelda reviews when reviewers are afraid of angering most Nintendo fans (or maybe more accurately Zelda fans) with anything less than near perfect. Sad.

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fleischr said:
Here's Jimquisition for you...
Hyrule Warriors Legends on 3DS - 95
Twilight Princess HD -88
Triforce Heroes: 80
Breath of the Wild - 70

"7/10 is a good score". I see that. I see the other scores Breath of the Wild and other Zelda games and I just say...

C'mon man.

Zelda warriors being on top makes sense. Jim is a HUGE musou fan :) like me :P

thismeintiel said:

The reaction from even normal Nintendo fans just shows why people were afraid to give it less than a 9, regardless of its issues. Can't really trust Zelda reviews when reviewers are afraid of angering most Nintendo fans (or maybe more accurately Zelda fans) with anything less than near perfect. Sad.

its a known in the gaming industry zelda gets near perfect always.

monocle_layton said:
RolStoppable said:

You wanted B to confirm and X to cancel.

what a terrible idea. Why would anyone accept that?

If you read my followup, you'd know that's not what I wanted or was getting at (even my actual suggestion was B for accept and A for cancel, unless I typo'd the shit out of it).

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think-man said:
fleischr said:
Here's Jimquisition for you...
Hyrule Warriors Legends on 3DS - 95
Twilight Princess HD -88
Triforce Heroes: 80
Breath of the Wild - 70

"7/10 is a good score". I see that. I see the other scores Breath of the Wild and other Zelda games and I just say...

C'mon man.

Zelda warriors being on top makes sense. Jim is a HUGE musou fan :) like me :P

Hyrule Warriors on 3DS runs terrible. You're basically admitting here he's a fanboy and can't review games properly. In other words, the guy has no integrity or credibility as a reviewer (and probably as a human being as well, but since I don't know him I'll leave that one open). 

And Triforce Heroes higher than Breath of the Wild... Yeah right... 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

FallingTitan said:
thismeintiel said:

The reaction from even normal Nintendo fans just shows why people were afraid to give it less than a 9, regardless of its issues. Can't really trust Zelda reviews when reviewers are afraid of angering most Nintendo fans (or maybe more accurately Zelda fans) with anything less than near perfect. Sad.

its a known in the gaming industry zelda gets near perfect always.

Tri force heroes got 73. It's a decent game, with a decent score.

Bet with PeH: 

I win if Arms sells over 700 000 units worldwide by the end of 2017.

Bet with WagnerPaiva:


I win if Emmanuel Macron wins the french presidential election May 7th 2017.