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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jim Sterling’s site under attack after Zelda: BotW review

specialk said:

I don't doubt that Jim simply didn't enjoy the game as much as everyone else did. There is certainly a case to be made that criticism gets exaggerated at times to get more attention.  Again, we're a week out from release and another glowing review will get lost in the shuffle. 

A contrarian, "It's pretty good" review with a lot of (overblown IMO) criticism will engeder backlash and he'll probably get an episode out of it. Jim is a clever guy. 

For a concrete example, I feel like whenever he does this, a tell tale sign is that he makes mountains out of molehills. 

From the Zelda (7/10) review:

"the same old fucking cutscenes every time you open, enter, and complete shrines. Frequent interruptions when monsters respawn during a “blood moon” – "

All of the above is skippable, and charicatrizing the blood moon as "frequent" is a bit of a stretch. So the complaint IMO, reduces to a complaint about load times.

Here is Jim addressing the 30-60 second load times from Bloodborne (10/10)

"Perhaps my one notable criticism of the whole thing is the loading times between deaths – not a huge problem if you don’t intend to die a lot"

You may disagree with what he said, but I sure don't.

First of all let me just say that I'm not a big Souls fan. BUT! The long loading times and the fact that I had to replay an entire level made me enjoy the game more because I was terrified of the enemies and the adrenaline was sky high when I was about to die (or in a dark alley). Not only would I have to play the same level, I'd have to wait for an entire minute to play again.

Then there are Tekken 6 loading times. I hated those. Absolutely hated them. They weren't punishment for losing, just having to wait to fight the next opponent.

As for Zelda and repetitiveness(?), it's one of the things that really bug me. They scream low budget to me which is almost ok when it comes to indie/Japanese games but inexcusable in AAA games. Doesn't matter if it's my favourite or least favourite game. Skippable or not. I just don't like them.

So, in my opinion he's absolutely right and not biased at all. I tend to disagree with him, just not in this case.

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golfgt170 said:
As i already told: ALL GAMES in metacritic go by the same rules. All get trolling 10/10 from fans and all get 0% from trolling gamers that want to reduce the score. Zelda, Horizon, Nioh, Gears of war, Halo etc. ALL games get the same love/hate.

Then why not just look at amazon ratings instead, since people actually are confirmed to have bought the game there?

Bet with PeH: 

I win if Arms sells over 700 000 units worldwide by the end of 2017.

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I win if Emmanuel Macron wins the french presidential election May 7th 2017.

potato_hamster said:
sc94597 said:

When you have three full bars of stamina you can do much more than when you only have one. But you wouldn't know because you haven't played the game and you are going off a misfactual review that was intended to be biased. 

Have you played Skyrim? Can you sprint forever in that game? No? It must have gotten a 7/10. Let's see what Jim Sterling thought about it.


Travelling in BotW is less of a problem than in many other open-world fantasy games because you have multiple means of doing it. But try to spin it how you wish. 

Now. I know this might be hard for you to consider, but maybe, just mayyyyyyybe, Jim Sterling's 7/10 score is based off of more than just his dislike of the stamina mechanic. Let's just take a time out and consider that possibility, shall we?

But Skyrim had no points docked despite movement being much more hampered than BotW. It isn't a binary between 10/10 and 7/10. 

specialk said:

potato_hamster said:

This is such a horse shit argument. It doesn't "limit your ability to efficiently travel until you upgrade it", it just limits your ability to efficiently travel. Period. Even when fully upgraded, it still limits your ability to efficently travel. During the entire course of the game you are hampered by the stamina system regardless of how much it's upgraded. It just becomes less bad. 

There are horses in the game too that go much faster than Link can even sprint.

Why doesn't Link just walk as quickly as the horse runs? 

Why doesn't Link shoot lazer beams out of his eyes instead of using a sword? Got any other ridiculous false equivalents while you're at it?

sc94597 said:
potato_hamster said:

Now. I know this might be hard for you to consider, but maybe, just mayyyyyyybe, Jim Sterling's 7/10 score is based off of more than just his dislike of the stamina mechanic. Let's just take a time out and consider that possibility, shall we?

But Skyrim had no points docked despite movement being much more hampered than BotW. It isn't a binary between 10/10 and 7/10. 

You're assuming that the stamina system in BotW led to a docked point for its score.

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potato_hamster said:

Why doesn't Link shoot lazer beams out of his eyes instead of using a sword? Got any other ridiculous false equivalents while you're at it?


sc94597 said:
golfgt170 said:
As i already told: ALL GAMES in metacritic go by the same rules. All get trolling 10/10 from fans and all get 0% from trolling gamers that want to reduce the score. Zelda, Horizon, Nioh, Gears of war, Halo etc. ALL games get the same love/hate.

And this is factually wrong. Certain games get more attention from trolls than others. They all get it, but not in the same proportions. 

I agree. Let's see the hate over FFVII remake :P

potato_hamster said:
sc94597 said:

But Skyrim had no points docked despite movement being much more hampered than BotW. It isn't a binary between 10/10 and 7/10. 

You're assuming that the stamina system in BotW led to a docked point for its score.

I am assuming that if something is in a review it contributes the the final score. He didn't mention anything about movement in his Skyrim review, however. My criticism is for a lack of consistency. In one title he overlooks what are categorically the same (or even a worse) flaw, while in the other he highlights it, by my hypothesis (which is not proven) because he had an intended end result of the review in mind. 

sc94597 said:
potato_hamster said:

Now. I know this might be hard for you to consider, but maybe, just mayyyyyyybe, Jim Sterling's 7/10 score is based off of more than just his dislike of the stamina mechanic. Let's just take a time out and consider that possibility, shall we?

But Skyrim had no points docked despite movement being much more hampered than BotW. It isn't a binary between 10/10 and 7/10. 

Do you know if Jim found the stamina system in Skyrim hampering, in the equal way, that BOTW does it? Could it be, because of other factors, that  compounded onto the stamina system, he ended up hating it more. VS Skyrim, it didn't amplify the issue. You really can't expect people to have the same score, for another game.

Take this. BOTW requires you to use the slate, to see your world markers. Skyrim uses clarvoyance. Both games don't just have the markers visibale, all the time. Which game does it more annoyingly. BOTW.

potato_hamster said:
Slarvax said:

You know what's annoying? Running out of ammo in shooters. Why can't I just have infinite ammo? It's much more fun not having to ever reload my weapon and alway be shooting. Where's the fun in stopping the action for 5 seconds just so I can't have unlimited power and be unstoppable?

Of course. Because reloading your gun (something that's found in practically all shooters) is totally the same as a tedious, arbitrary stamina system that has plenty of work arounds that renders it more annoying than it does to offer a challnege. Nice false equivalence.

Ah yes. Because stopping the flow of the most action packed, and fast pace genre is perfectly fine because other games do it. But the same completely ruins the experience in a much more slow paced, complex and toned down game. Move out, Dark Souls! Stopping to heal? Annoying and no challenge. Characters should have infinite stamina because it makes perfect sense! Just like in real life: run and dont stop. 

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

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