Volterra_90 said:
FloatingWaffles said:
Was gonna post this. Seems like the joycons become less responsive if something is blocking in front of them from the switch.
So basically like the Wiimote? I thought it was kind of... obvious that something can't be blocking their path for an optimal signal. I don't think reviewers are that... stupid? Xd
I think cause it's a new piece of hardware some might be more prone to automatically assume it's just a problem with the hardware itself cause it's new rather than thinking rationally about what might be the cause of it, lol.
and to be fair though, while GameXPlain's video does seem to show that the case is just interference and not a hardware issue, I would still wait for official confirmation on what it actually is. While I highly doubt it, since we've seen the joycons working perfectly in that video when there's nothing interfering the signal from it to the switch, it could still somehow be a hardware issue. If so I would hope that they could fix it with an update.