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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. January bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

7 hours since last update:


#12 PS4s UC4 Bundle (same)
#20 NES (down 2)
#41 NiS Neon Blue/Red (down 10)*
#55 XB1s-500gb Battlefield Bundle (up 1)
#60 PS4Pro (up 1)
#96 XB1s-500gb Minecraft Bundle (down 3)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)**
#05 NiS Breath Of The Wild (same)
#16 Mario Kart Delux (down 1)
#17 WiiU Breath Of The Wild (down 1)
#69 PS4 Digimon World (up 2)

2 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
2 in the top 100 / 0 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
NiS:  1 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5

Does not affect this month:
Software outside of the month only gets added if it's in the top 20: **

The neon blue/red Switch is behaving normally for an out of stock console. Explain.


The PS5 Exists. 

Around the Network

Looking pretty solid so far for a PS4 win...

Feb will be pretty quiet as well I think, do see For Honor or Halo Wars pushing consoles (Halo might prop up Xbox a little).

March is fascinating though.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Despite the Switch being sold out, BOTW continues to just sit there!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

GribbleGrunger said:

The neon blue/red Switch is behaving normally for an out of stock console. Explain.

I think I tried to explaain this to you before. It has to do with rate of sales first and then allotment of sales.

if amazon recieved 1000 units for the NS. and they sell out in 1hr. that may be enough to get the NS to say 3rd position on the hourly rankings cause in that 1hr it sold faster than everything but the top two items in the hourlies.

But then you consider the amount, it will only drop in position in relation to time when other items are selling just as well or have outsold it. So technically, if we use a bigger shipment for this example of say 10k. If the switch sold 10k in 1hr it will go right up to number 1 on the hourly and maybe even weekly or monthly. Its rate of decline (even if it sells nothing) will be based on how quickyly and well everything else sells. It won't drop in the hourly until the ratio of sales to time of another time beats its own ratio in relation to whatever given amount of time it has taken. the monthly will be harder to affect cause the other item has to outright sell more than it to topple it since the time here is a constant and not a variable.

GribbleGrunger said:

The neon blue/red Switch is behaving normally for an out of stock console. Explain.

Because the allotment was small like normal out of stock consoles. Switch is an actual new console that is expected to sell close to half a million in its first week, so the intital preorders were massive. You can't compare that to something like the launch of XB1S or PS4 Pro because those were "smaller" products in terms of sales.

Won bet with t3mporary_126 - I correctly predicted that the Wii U's LTD at the end of 2014 would be closer to 9 million than 10 million.

Around the Network

8 hours since last update:


#11 PS4s UC4 Bundle (up 1)
#20 NES (same)
#55 NiS Neon Blue/Red (down 14)*
#64 XB1s-500gb Battlefield Bundle (down 9)
#67 PS4Pro (down 7)
#92 XB1s-500gb Minecraft Bundle (up 4)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)**
#05 NiS Breath Of The Wild (same)
#14 WiiU Breath Of The Wild (up 3)
#16 Mario Kart Delux (same)
#66 PS4 Digimon World (up 3)

2 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
2 in the top 100 / 0 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
NiS:  1 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5

Does not affect this month:
Software outside of the month only gets added if it's in the top 20: **


The PS5 Exists. 

8 hours since last update:


#11 PS4s UC4 Bundle (same)
#15 NES (up 5)
#56 XB1s-500gb Battlefield Bundle (up 8)
#73 PS4Pro (down 6)
#88 XB1s-500gb Minecraft Bundle (up 4)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)**
#05 NiS Breath Of The Wild (same)
#14 WiiU Breath Of The Wild (same)
#17 Mario Kart Delux (down 1)
#20 PS4 Horizon Zero Dawn (new entry)
#66 PS4 Digimon World (same)

2 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
2 in the top 100 / 0 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
NiS:  0 in the top 100 / 0 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5

Does not affect this month:
Software outside of the month only gets added if it's in the top 20: **


The PS5 Exists. 

5 hours since last update:


#10 PS4s UC4 Bundle (up 1)
#16 NES (down 1)
#55 XB1s-500gb Battlefield Bundle (up 1)
#67 PS4Pro (up 6)
#90 XB1s-500gb Minecraft Bundle (down 2)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)**
#05 NiS Breath Of The Wild (same)
#15 WiiU Breath Of The Wild (down 1)
#17 PS4 Horizon Zero Dawn (up 3)
#18 Mario Kart Delux (down 1)
#54 PS4 Digimon World (up 12)

2 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 1 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
2 in the top 100 / 0 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
NiS:  0 in the top 100 / 0 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5

Does not affect this month:
Software outside of the month only gets added if it's in the top 20: **


The PS5 Exists. 

Versus_Evil said:
GoGo Ps4

Well , How  did you find it gif ?  

Noticed this weekend BF1 bundle is $249 at Walmart in store. Could explain why it's so low on Amazon. As opposed to ps4 which was $269 at Walmart.