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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed

Slarvax said:

So let me get this straight. The Switch is as powerful as a 4 year old console, which was as powerful as a now 10 year old console (then 6 years old), and will be more expensive than $99?

Not exactly, in docked mode Switch is around 2.5x more powerful than Wii U on paper, but in real world performance even more because we are comparing Nvidia vs AMD, and fact that Switch has much more modern tech and architecture.

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Mowco said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Sure, some rumor sites guessed the Switch concept correct. But guess what? That was in between all the WRONG rumors the same sites were reporting. It wasnt a thing of education or even a thing of luck that these sites predicted the Switch, - it was them literally reposting every rumor they heard. So why believe them now???


Eurogamer have been more than reliable, with regards to both Switch and PS4 Pro leaks. Hell they told us the exact ps4 pro specs several months before the thing was even announced.

Exactly. They leaked the EXACT Nintendo Switch console before announcement, they released the EXACT PS4 Pro specs, they even released the fact that the dev kits were running X1. I'm fairly sure this is legit. 

0D0 said:

In my opinion, this 3rd party picture means nothing. Support can mean just 1 game. Bethesda could just try the waters with Skyrim and then abandon the console. The same for the others.

Again, I pointed this out in my comment as well already, that I know that lists truly don't mean anything really until we actually see games from the developers on it, but think about it.

Bethesda wouldn't even give the Wii U the time of day given how underpowered it was. If the Switch was to be apparently significantly underpowered yet again, why would Bethesda NOW all of a sudden decide "Oh ok, nah we're fine with underpowered hardware", especially after they were QUOTED saying they would only ever even consider supporting the Switch if it was at least at Xbox One power level. It is quite a possibility that Nintendo may have worked things out with third parties for support, but i'm highly skeptical of that given Nintendo's track record with third parties in the past. 

The Wii U was a significantly underpowered system and look at the list of third party developers it got, and that was going off of the HUGE success of the Wii.

The above is nothing compared to the Switch list of developers. You didn't see developers like From Software, Bethesda, and a lot of others supporting it. So if the Switch is gonna be another Wii U in terms of hardware according to the Digital Foundry report, why would all of a sudden these said developers NOW change their mind and decide to support the Switch after not supporting the Wii U? It's possible they could have simply just had a change of heard, but who knows. It doesn't add up for the Switch developer support list to be that big though if it was just simply another significantly underpowered system. Not to mention that like I said already, the Wii U got some support simply because some developers wanted to be there in case it turned out to be another Wii situation but it didn't turn out that way. The Switch is coming out after the failure of the Wii U, but yet the list is significantly bigger than the Wii U list of developers is.

Like I said, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Switch be significantly underpowered like the Wii U was, but with the reports that people like Emily Rogers and even Nvidia themselves have said about the Switch being easy to port to and run third party games on and how hardware wouldn't be an issue, something doesn't make sense here. 

So Skyrim will run like shit on it rofl

Or downgraded visuals

AngryLittleAlchemist said:

They got so much wrong before the Switch was revealed. Honestly guys, wait till January 12th, then crap all over it.


I'd be interested to get a link to anything they got wrong before the switch. Here's two things they got very RIGHT before the switch reveal. - (July 2016, Portable Console, Detatchable Controls, Docking station) - (Powered by Tegra July 2016) They've been consistently correct with their rumors so far.

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$199 please! I'm happy with these numbers if the price is right.

Who am I kidding? I'll buy it anyway!

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ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Werix357 said:

Are you a time traverler too? I saw the same things you describe when I traveled to 2027 ;)

Did you traveled to 2018 ? How was Final Fantasy 7 remake, Skyrim and Red dead Redemption 2 on the Nintendo switch? Was it good?

Final Fantasy 7 remake got delayed till 2021 and Skyrim runs in special cinematic mode of 24Fps, Red Dead Redemption 2 on Switch was unable to run the start screen so it got canceled. :D

FloatingWaffles said:

why would all of a sudden these said developers NOW change their mind and decide to support the Switch after not supporting the Wii U? It's possible they could have simply just had a change of heard, but who knows. 

Why not, be open to something but then when reality drop kicks you in the teeth you bail on it.  

Plus they can always dump all their Moible/tablet games on the Switch and call it Support.  Based ont the specs you know damn well the like sof FF15 or Mass Effect are not coming.  

Oh boy.

Miyamotoo said:
Slarvax said:

So let me get this straight. The Switch is as powerful as a 4 year old console, which was as powerful as a now 10 year old console (then 6 years old), and will be more expensive than $99?

Not exactly, in docked mode Switch is around 2.5x more powerful than Wii U on paper, but in real world performance even more because we are comparing Nvidia vs AMD, and fact that Switch has much more modern tech and architecture.

That's all fine and good, but Xbone is 6-8X more powerful than Xbox 360 if I'm not mistaken. 2-3X more powerful then Wii U is more than likely going to amount to 1080p Wii U games with some effects.