Well im assuming u just meant messages and im confused now.
Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!!
Well im assuming u just meant messages and im confused now.
Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!!
TruckOSaurus said:
First , you say I'm scum trying for an easy lynch and now when I point out to you, you're anything but an easy lynch, suddenly you say that that's your point. So by your rationale, I can't be scum looking for an easy lynch, no?
Why is being the first to throw shade a bad thing? Yes, I voted early and without much other than a distaste for zero's playstyle but over any role townies can have, the strongest weapon we have to find scum is our votes. I believe your attitude toward my vote will make other townies reluctant to vote and that's exactly what scum wants. |
You threw shade without any sort of questioning. Based on everything we have now, I think a vote from anyone would be fine, as they've gathered info to make judgments based on changes in playstyle and more so. I am not saying we should be reluctant, I am saying we should be gathering information and looking for slip ups through discussion.
But your first post was a vote. Where nothing has even occured.
Scum move, and that's why my vote sticks.
Arminillo said: Well im assuming u just meant messages and im confused now. |
You know your role right, though? Ie. you checked from where the orange thing which flashes next to your profile picture is coming from.
Mr.Playstation said:
You know your role right, though? Ie. you checked from where the orange thing which flashes next to your profile picture is coming from. |
I got a message from him but i still dont know what a quicktopic is or what it has to do with what i said
Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!!
zero129 said:
Read the mafia thread of that game. I was talking about going after Mr.p since he would be an easy target since town was already suspicious of him. It made it easy for me to say things like "Mr.P should of been lynched day 1" or "Mr.P is playing the same as he did when he was mafia" I had nothing else on him so i was using his past games and playstyle against him. This is something mafia do all the time. You can see stefl doing it in the last game (Possibly this one too), you can see Darwin talking about lynching mr.p even if he thinks mr.p was town. You guys let so many slips go last game that had me just scratching my head. Now I see trucks and finalfan and stefl and you all pushing the policy lynch rule and using the excuse of negitive playstyles and past games as your reasons for doing so. Pretty much this is going to make me suspicius of anyone who uses such tactics. Now you also bring up about me almost making prof quit two games ago. yet your failing to see why i didnt trust prof 2 games ago. First of all he was tunneling me, something he did to me 3 games ago when when he tricked me, clearly i was highly suspicius when he started coming after me out of the blue and started tunneling me again. Its also nice to know your willing to lose a town member. You do realise that its other people thats tunneling me about past games and trying to use silly reasons instead of just letting me get on with hunting scum right?. |
There's so much wrong with this post that you're giving me a headache. I'm not even pushing for your lynch, and I told you to go and prove you aren't a liability
zero129 said:
I dont like this coming from you. Its very odd since i know your well able to go after your own leads and bring up good cases to get people to follow you. But this looks more like you want to point at people and then have others do your work. Very odd words coming from you... |
How can you keep bringing up the last game and have an issue with this? I was on both Stefl and darwin at different points, but they slipped through the cracks. My leads led to Mr.P and Clyde.
I'm not asking for other people to do my work, I'm saying I don't want my work to go to waste. If I'm focused on a few particular people and forget some points I made against someone else or questions go unanswered, it would be a good thing if someone brings them back up and better if they can take the my lead and make a case from it. I can't win alone.
zero129 said:
For instance i got a change of opinion from linkz from last game. If you read the last game you will see that linkz wanted me to blow up a bit with prof since it would help him get a read on me. It seems that while links was town last game he didnt really want to push for a policy lynch on me. He in fact wanted me to do what im doing now. But it seems this game he doesnt need me to blow up to get a read on me he is just willing to lynch me. So you see thats a pretty big change of opinion i wouldnt of noticed otherwise. |
No, I didn't. But yes, I am willing to lynch you over no lynch. If you are town and continue to be obsessed with yourself despite the advice to move on, you are proving the point that you're a liability.
zero129 said:
HoS: Spurge My reason for this is your trying to switch what i was saying and push it in some other direction, in return your the one trying to make confusion with your statement. Clearly i am not for confusion, but im also not for ending the day with nothing.. |
I liked your FoS, but you didn't exaplin why you didn't like the push for a time limit. spurge can't twist nothing while asking for your intention.
@spurge: you mind if I answer that or do you want zero to?
zero129 said:
Maybe your looking for a challenge So now some questions for you. Who is on your scum list so far?. |
I'm not a big fan of the interaction between Mr.P and Noctis. I don't think Noctis' tactics would have worked but I didn't really see the point in calling it out. Then Noctis's reaction to being called out by Mr. P was over the top too though. The weirdest part is Mr. P trying out the same kind of tactic on Arminillo right after.
I'm still ambivalent about Stefl, Miz has been unusually quiet. I was going to call out a link between you and Linkz yesterday when you failed to immediately call him scum when he said he might want to a vote for you but you eventually came around and you predictably think he's evil now.
Signature goes here!
spurgeonryan said: Now that I ignored it for a bit. Mr.P and Zero are the only other ones here. Zero why did you not call Mr.P out on his shady tactic with arminilio. Do I need to explain? |
Mr.P is asking a similar question to the one I asked darwin last game. However, he went further to be consistent about his point against Noctis's one-dimensional questions. The question potentially has deeper value behind it, though Mr.P would have to answer himself if that's actually the case. Why do you think it's shady?
I understand your point about a bloated Day One being just clutter and confusion. I lean towards a time limit causing rushed decisions instead of informed ones, so I think it should only be implemented if conversations have dried up.
Linkzmax said: I understand your point about a bloated Day One being just clutter and confusion. I lean towards a time limit causing rushed decisions instead of informed ones, so I think it should only be implemented if conversations have dried up. |
By conversation, you mean people making halfbaked assumptions based on previous games, right? Either way, somebody dies after day 1, and I personally cant participate too well in this discussion of he said/she said last game stuff. I also dont appreciate being used as human shield for free accusations and manipulation. I think I support a time limit as well.
Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!!