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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mafia Round 75 - Persona Theme - MAFIA VICTORY

Baalzamon said:
Linkzmax said:

You are forgetting prof has claimed to be Blade's sibling, which Blade has now un-edited back into his post. If he's town, then it leaves 3 mafia to 2 town come morning. If he's mafia, then it's 2 mafia to 3 town and we're fine, but that assumes it's a vig rather than a SK and that they still have another shot.

You and your leaving out bits of the clues.

Commuter is immune to roleblock/busdriver. Or am I not understanding your point?

That is apparently my bad for not understanding commuter. My understanding is it effectively takes whoever he targets out of the night process, but are you suggesting Zero himself cannot be roleblocked and or bus driven? I would think these can happen prior to his commuter skill going through on somebody else.


As for the poems, there is really only so much I can say on each one without directly quoting them, which Clyde specifically informed I cannot do. That I can't put in my own words every part of the riddle? That my friend is the downside to my role. However after everybody became super certain that one poem referred to trucks, I read it over about 20 times today and believe I have deduced one of 2 possible roles that Trucks is, and neither is remotely close to a godfather. makes oneself Untargetable for a Night.

You are thinking of Alien from which makes another player Untargetable for a Night.

As for the clues. It's just disheartening to know I spent so much time trying to figure out the clues that were a bit more ambiguous and apparently vital pieces are being left out. Do not share what you think Trucks could be until after he claims, or better yet arrange a same-time posting of your thoughts and his claim.

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Arminillo said:
except he scanned trucks inno and zero claimed godfather on him, yes i realize that doesn't mean much but he said he had other info that helped confirm his suspicion.

If we lynch zero, and say he is mafia, so the game isnt over, we dont have anyone hes connected to that we can suspect to be a scummate as far as i can tell. We would just be stuck. So id rather kill Trucks and either lose or have something to go on.

The only info Blade could have to deduce Trucks is the mafia from Baalz Night One clues(and thus trust zero as well) is that the first two clues are definite townies. You know the flavor pretty well. Do you think the bit about "The Shadow" could be refering to Tatsuya?

If zero is lynched and turns up mafia, you don't think we should go after prof who he's claiming he scanned innocent?

Wait, prof will be dead. But as I see it that's two mafia dead, which is better than just risking a loss because you want an easy connection. I'm more sure of prof's scumminess than zero's due to the following:

prof either claimed Amnesiac from epicmafia so he would have taken over Miz's role Night One and thus Tracked Night Two or MAYBE Amnesiac Cop from mafiascum in which case he still would be taking actions, just not getting results. prof claimed he took no action though. Or prof simply has a non-existant role.

zero129 said:
Linkzmax said:

1) Don't forget Day One zero! You were trying to link me to Trucks way back then as well. prof was actually pushing for Trucks lynch, and had voted for him instead of miz. Yeah sure, I'm going to believe you didn't scan your number one target and between me/prof you chose to scan the one going after said target instead of the one you accused of defending him.

2) I probably will vote you before this Day is through, but it's already clear I don't need to do a lot to convince others you are lying.

3) I believe I am to blame for Blade's modkill by noticing his edits, but I didn't ask for it nor do I regret pointing them out. Rules are rules. Nice of you to try to paint me as scummy for it though. Why no comment on FF saying it was extremely fair?

4) Your last bit makes no sense. If you truly believe Trucks and I are scummates, then as Blade said you should be pushing for my lynch as it's possible I have a role while Trucks is basically vanilla. Even beyond that, lynching any mafia besides Trucks would also mean it's not over for town. Your insistence that Trucks is the only option for a lynch toDay is what makes me lean towards you setting up a mislynch rather than bussing your scummate.

5) Blade's death has no bearing on whether or not a mislynch would have been possible. Are you playing the inability to count card?

6) The reason he trusted prof and thus you is quite obvious. He assumed that his character being prof's character's brother meant they must both be town. That's not guarenteed, and more often than not a cop sibling is paired with a mafia sibling so mafia have a drawback for killing off the cop.

7) As for me, as I said it's a leap of logic to assume that doubting you makes me in cahoots with Trucks. You also can't explain why I would warn the cop against fully trusting innocent scans because a Godfather exists if I'm in fact scummates with a Godfather. That's exactly what I wouldn't want him to be thinking about if it were the case.

8) I pointed out the real issue with Baalz proposed situation. How is it from your perspective that you don't see that a vig should shoot Trucks(or me) if we instead mislynch toDay?

9) Finally, as for your latest post. Nobody is claiming your role is OP. They're saying 4 confirmed informative roles, plus two more claimed ones, makes yours very unbelieveable.

1) Yes since i seen you defending him and talking for him and trying to move the direction of posts away from him why wouldnt i think both of you are scum?

2) That much is clear, as scum your going to vote for a town player who confirmed their role over your scum mate. And now its clear that thanks to baalz (Unless he sees sense and removes it) your most likely going to get what you want and win for your scum mates.

3) Your the first one to notice them and bring them up yet blade only died "After" he suspect you and trucks of being scum. FF might of pointed out that it was fair but you are the one who "POINTED" them out. And imo called for his mod kill once he pointed you as scum..

4) Why would i push for your lynch?. I know trucks is scum 100%. with you i believe your scum since your trying your best to save him.

You really think im going to come on and be like "hey town i scanned trucks as scum but hey lets lynch links since i think he might be scum?" are you for real?. Clearly on trucks flip tomorrow (As long as town does the right thing) they them selfs will then see what i see and thats you defending him without any reason at all.

Please do point out your reasons for why you think trucks isnt scum?. you also defended him yesterday so come on...

5) Yes it does. Are you the one playing the stupid card?. clearly if blades didnt have to die then towns lynch of me would of known i was telling the truth "IF" they didnt want to believe me. I would of been ok with that as long as they lynched trucks and you after it once they seen i was telling the truth.

However now with us lossing another town we cant even take that chance since if i get lynched its over for town (Unless im adding things up wrong with the numbers).

6) First of all thats what you think he meant. how doyou know this to be the case?.

7) Yes i can tell you why you would warn the cop. In case trucks got lynced thats why.

The same way you been kinda saying you dont trust him all game, yet you been defending him anytime someone talks about him.

You dont trust trucks "All game" or "Dont fully trust him" people can look over your posts to see this. Yet your willing to take his unclaimed side over someone who claimed and also yesterday for no good reason.

8) Who knows he would? thats a fucking big leap of fate over believing someones claim and just lynching trucks. Links this is how i know your scum since as town you dont act this stupid.

9) No it does not when no other fucking role as done anything. Yet me with 2 chances is meant to have a hope. No thats not OP its just fucking luck.

1) Exactly my point. Why did you choose to scan prof who had voted for your number one suspect instead of me if you thought I was defending him?

2) Your role is nowhere near confirmed. At this point it could only be so upon your death.

3) Getting Blade modkilled would not do me any favors. I cannot ask him to explain his faulty logic now.

4) I'm not trying to save him as I haven't ruled out that you two are trying a double-bus. My not wanting to lynch him toDay is more due to not believing you are town than believing he isn't scum.

5) IF we are at lylo right now, 5 town Vs 4 mafia then mislynch equals town loss. Adding Blade to that still results in 4 town Vs 4 mafia after a mislynch and a Night kill. Math is clearly not your strong point.

6) You didn't check the un-edit did you? It's quite obvious.

7) And why would I have any reason to think a GF Trucks would be lynched with Psychic, Tracker, and Watcher all already dead? There's very few people I trust in any game and it's impossible to lynch every one of them. I haven't taken Trucks' side now either despite your insistence that I am. I'm not pro-Trucks, just anti-zero.

8) It's not stupid, it's called a perspective slip on your part. In the same sense that you said lynching you to go after Trucks and myself in the following Days, a vig should see your flip and follow up on your claim.

9) Games are not balanced based on town getting no use from the PRs. As others pointed out, a 4 man team could have been wiped out Night One between 3 scans plus watcher and tracker(and possibly dreamer and journalist) and a vig/SK kill. There's been no sign of manipulation by mafia other than Mr.P's claim, which if you trust prof as town means you shouldn't believe. If you're town then we have the most OP town I've ever seen and the fucking luck resides with mafia for not being wiped out already.

Didn't prof say "amnesiac sibling" in such a way as to suggest that the amnesia part was nothing more or less than that he didn't know it was Blade who was his sibling?

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

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Final-Fan said:
Didn't prof say "amnesiac sibling" in such a way as to suggest that the amnesia part was nothing more or less than that he didn't know it was Blade who was his sibling?

Ahhh right you are, but there's another issue: Blade missed something massive, becaouse he was completely unaware he was a Sibling.

And yes, he was just reminded of who prof claimed to be a short while before that.

zero129 said:
Linkzmax said:

"Zero".. unless he's a Role Cop SK. He can't know Trucks is a GF otherwise, and he'll be instalynched if Trucks doesn't flip GF.

Good. So then you admit that the best lynch for today is trucks...

No, because for the 10th time I'm worried you could be pushing the mislynch you need to win.

Seriously, in what world does it make sense to have a Sibling not know who he's linked to nor what alignment they are, and the linked person doesn't even know they are a Sibling?

zero you flat out said you planned on claiming bomb last time you were mafia. You are giving yourself far too much credit for coming up with a believeable fakeclaim.
Off to work. Enjoy your day!