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Forums - Sales Discussion - November 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware estimates in the OP!

3sexty said:
drkohler said:

NA is by no way Sony's primary money maker (as far as consoles are concerned).

Sony went into this battle with a clear loss beind them (X360 vs PS3 was 2:1 in NA). Nobody in their wildest dreams at Sony imagined they would be leading this time (Ps4 vs X1 1.1:1 in NA) and probably come out ahead. So right from the start they carefully calculated their plans with the idea of gaining traction in NA and avoid another 2:1 loss. I'm pretty sure they are still baffled they make so much more money in NA than foreseen.

The main money maker for Sony is outside NA. Just consider what happened in Europe (and Asia, too) this summer. around the time when Microsoft introduced the XBox Slim, they jacked up the PS4 prices back to full list price. While Microsoft came in with $249 AAA game bundles. The result was that MS actually sold more consoles that Sony for a while - while losing horrible amounts of money on hardware (MS got less than $200 for a box that costs over $300 to manufacture according to iSupply, while Sony raked in loads of cash).Onyl now during christmas time have both company reduced the price into the (unhealthy) $249 price range. If you want to one-up the argument, Sony is actually significantly reducing the losses by selling fewer PS4 than last year. So I doubt anyone at Sony is even slightly worried about current NA console sales numbers.

If you want some useful context, right here it was - one company losing bizarre amounts of money on hardware for months, while the other company makes hay (the iSupply estimate is debatably too high but the fact remains that roughly a third of the hardware revenue has been a loss for the MS camp for months now. As has been said before by others, these losses can be hidden by other stuff MS sells but I highly doubt again that upper managment is going to tolerate these losses forever).

I have been hearing this for way wat too long now.. and that was even during the Steve Balmer CEO days. MS now even have a hardcore shareholder centric supposedly xbox hater  CEO- Satya Nadella and even under his leadership we continue to see new variants and new releases of xbox one, into next year and 2018 in fact. Seriously, given the trend of the ongoing support (and who knows why) - if your arguement that it is a huge money hole is to be believed, - then by the time they do decide to ditch it, the whole concept of consoles will become irrelevent even for Sony (which is why MS are putting in place clever platform integration solutions in place for gaming- another story anyway). Again heard this for way too long - since the incredible RROD losses of the 360.  I am starting to not believe this argument at all now.  it is just way to convenient but never actually validated as the years pass by.

When Steve Balmer was CEO, Xbox was at its peak. Sure, it still came in 3rd, but it made them money. Any shareholder complaints were about the division still not seeing a profit OVERALL after a full decade.  Still, it was making them money at that time. We heard those complaints getting louder, and even Bill Gates confirm he'd be fine if Xbox was sold or spun off, when Xbox stumbled out the gate and continued to not gain much steam. This gen they'll come in 2nd, but it'll be at 1/2 the numbers the 360 pulled in, maybe less. And really, MS taking Xbox off of some of their products near the start of the gen, while pushing Windows 10 at E3 more than Xbox and basically taking away all Xbox exclusives to pad out their Windows game store, aren't exactly good signs for the Xbox brand.

Also, I wouldn't consider new HW revisions anything meaningful. The Slim is a way to cut costs. It was always going to happen, even if it was just to benefit MS. And it wouldn't surprise me if the Scorpio is pushed as much as, if not more, a Windows 10 machine than as a Xbox.  And if that does poorly, it most definitely will perform worse than the Pro, I seriously think MS is going to rethink releasing a new Xbox for next gen. Sony is guaranteed to release a PS5, with the success of PS4 and the PS name being added to some of its products.

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Congrats to the 3DS being Up YOY! The gap between its competitor continues to increase! And Pokemon Slaying the competition! Didn't expect it to beat COD. It really shows how a smartphone game can give a boost to the series and the hardware!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

CGI-Quality said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

Fixed your link for you. Funny read!

I do see the humor, but in the question being dodged. I didn't ask for predictions (and, in particular, random votes generated in a public poll). I requested a solid explanation + source into how users were so wrong.

Idk if he's dodging or just not going to waste his time. You asked for a valid source and he provided it. If that's not good enough for you then there's probably nothing he could provide that would be, speaking of humorous :)

Dark_Feanor said:
xl-klaudkil said:


3-350 dollars. 

Vs 250-200 dollars. 


See the drop?

That is not acurated.

Last year we had the XOne and PS4 at $299 or less.


249 is a 15% drop from last year. There was also the 399 PS4 Pro and 349 XOne 2Tb bundles.

Oh, I must have missed where the only consoles available last year were priced at $299 or less. Funny how you seem to forget those that were more expensive, but mention the more expensive bundles this year. Especially since people looking at a $299 console would be more inclined to get a better one for $349, than someone looking at a $249 one. $50 increase vs a $100 one and all.

CGI-Quality said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

Fixed your link for you. Funny read!

I do see the humor, but in the question being dodged. I didn't ask for random votes generated in a public poll. I requested a solid explanation + source into how users were so wrong.


There is also a whole vídeo dedicated to Pro and Slim where he predicts both would sell great this Holliday season and that XBox would be in trouble.


If our estimations are correct the Pro was no game changer.


And back to that thread the most reasenoble prediction were off by 50%.

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lmao some people celebrating for these terrible xbox numbers lol
both numbers for sony and ms are bad no 1 can spin this even the most hardcore ms fan know this

Dark_Feanor said:
xl-klaudkil said:


3-350 dollars. 

Vs 250-200 dollars. 


See the drop?

That is not acurated.

Last year we had the XOne and PS4 at $299 or less.


249 is a 15% drop from last year. There was also the 399 PS4 Pro and 349 XOne 2Tb bundles.

And this yesr we have PS4/XB1 at  as low as $220, with a game and with net cards too.... So what is point?

You really trying to argue away the fact that lower priced consoles didn't affect total hardware sales revenue? Even the NPD article you are getting your information from also said they did. 

Angelv577 said:
princevenom said:
both ps4 and xbone 1 bombed hard this month

Well ps4 has Europe and the rest of the world to compensate for that.  I am more worried about xb1 though since US is his biggest territory.  

Well tbf the US is also Sonys strongest market but we do know it had its best BF but Sony didnt say anything for Nov as a whole so WW it could be down overall with still having a really good BF. Xbox is also down but im sure Sony is down also WW for Nov. Software sells hardware and this year the only big seller was BF1 with COD being down by around 50%, TF2 and WD2 bombing compared to the first games.

xl-klaudkil said:
Dark_Feanor said:

35% hardware revenue drop.


3-350 dollars. 

Vs 250-200 dollars. 


See the drop?

Pro $400 XB1 SE BF and Gears $300. Wii U is still $300. Also the base 500gb skus were $300 for most of the month.

spurgeonryan said:
Nintendo sales?

3DS 556.6K up 56%. Pokemon 2.7m best selling pokemon.


3sexty said:
Angelv577 said:

Well ps4 has Europe and the rest of the world to compensate for that.  I am more worried about xb1 though since US is his biggest territory.  

Actually Sony need N/A and console gaming worldwide in general way more than MS. Its bad news for Sony to have such a decline in an important market for one of their few money making businesses. Terrible actually since their TV business declined, PCs offloaded, phones down quite a bit  and now this.  They need console profits way more than MS do. For MS its a minor business venture to run alongside its other huge money makers, - Surface, Windows 10, Enterprise, Software, Cloud etc. On the topic of compueter hardware, the irony here is while Sony failed in the pc hardware space, MS are thriving with the Surface line of computers.  I mean isnt hardware supposed to be Sony's bread and butter. Very concerning trend for Sony.

Decline?  I guess you are confusing this gen with last gen.  Do I have to remind you that xb360 had a 20m lead against ps3 in US, what about all the marketshare xb360 took in Europe as well.  ps4 not only took US and UK back but it is dominating Europe and the rest of the world hence why ps4 at the minimum must have had at least a 20m gap.   Taking US and UK back even if it is a small margin, it is still a win for Sony.  Yes, MS is way bigger than sony but it is not as if every division doesn't have their own expectations, their own expected revenue and growth so the xbox division is no different and right now, the xbox division isn't showing any growth in terms of marketshare and software sales because at the end of the day, the consoles are sold to sell software.  Having a presence WW mean that if a game fail to sell on expectations in US, the rest of the world can compensate to reach on overall profit.  xbox doesn't have that.  If the game fail in US, the game basically failed.  Don't get me wrong, as of right now, xbox is doing fine but it might not bode well for the xbox division if the following consoles continue to decline because at the end of the day, any division is in for the money whether it is its biggest division or the smallest.  There is a reason sony has been outspending MS in third parties deal with ps4.  I guess phil spencer budget aren't unlimited after all.  As of now, sony overall is surviving and the gaming divison has been posting a profit for a while now.  I am fine with that.

CGI-Quality said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

Idk if he's dodging or just not going to waste his time. You asked for a valid source and he provided it. If that's not good enough for you then there's probably nothing he could provide that would be, speaking of humorous :)

If it was a "waste of time", then there wasn't a need to call out posters in the first place. Which was my point. Because you choose to see it how you do is of no consequence to that and only shows that you also had no reason to get involved. 

Eh, no, you're mistaken. The waste of time was trying to qualify his post for you. But who cares, he did it anyway. That was just my guess as to why he hadn't responded :)

I "got involved" because you freaking quoted me and talked about it, lol. My reply to him had nothing to do with his calling people out or your quest for validation, so if you don't want me to "get involved", then don't quote me and talk to me about it :)

Why was this last reply by you even necessary? You didn't even reply to him, and he posted after me. Maybe take it to PM if its that big a deal to you so as to not derail the thread? Thanks.