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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. December bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

celador said:
do you think PS4 Pro might be out of stock for a while because it's going to come back with a bundle?

Sony announced the Cod bundle halfway through December last year, perhaps they will do the same with the Pro this year, would make it a significantly more attractive price

I don't know about that. My local Walmart just got a fairly big shipment of Pros (I wasn't keeping track, really, just one day I went all they had were slims and a few days later all the slims had turned to pros :)) . It just seems that Amazon went through their allotment faster than other stores, as happened with the Halo Xbox bundle and the Black Ops 3 ps4 bundle. 

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RJ_Sizzle said:
Teeqoz said:

Or maybe Japanese devs have been struggling to keep up with the industry, leading to many of their games feeling old-fashioned and archaic, which again leads to a decline in sales? You think the media just decided "we don't like Japanese games any more lulz"? No...

Japanese games have their tropes and mechanics that are pretty much here to stay. Who decided Japanese gaming was stale and western gaming was all that mattered? Both can tend to get in a rut. It's gotten to the point where anything from Japan is instantly considered niche for some people no matter how polished it is. If you've been gaming as long as I have, you saw the rise in the disdain right about the 360 era. For some reason, Nintendo was immune to this.

I mostly play western games now, but I love what Japanese games added to the industry. That's why I have a PS4 now to have the best of both worlds.

But that's not true. Souls games are applauded, and Persona 5 was hyped a lot, also in the west and by western media. But most (non-Nintendo) Japanese games are niche. That's a fact, simply because they don't sell that much. The loads of western games that don't sell that much are also niche. Niche just means it attracts a small audience.

Teeqoz said:
RJ_Sizzle said:

Japanese games have their tropes and mechanics that are pretty much here to stay. Who decided Japanese gaming was stale and western gaming was all that mattered? Both can tend to get in a rut. It's gotten to the point where anything from Japan is instantly considered niche for some people no matter how polished it is. If you've been gaming as long as I have, you saw the rise in the disdain right about the 360 era. For some reason, Nintendo was immune to this.

I mostly play western games now, but I love what Japanese games added to the industry. That's why I have a PS4 now to have the best of both worlds.

But that's not true. Souls games are applauded, and Persona 5 was hyped a lot, also in the west and by western media. But most (non-Nintendo) Japanese games are niche. That's a fact, simply because they don't sell that much. The loads of western games that don't sell that much are also niche. Niche just means it attracts a small audience.

Souls games are applauded because it caters to western aesthetics. The point I'm trying to make is, some Japanese games do sell well, Nintendo games, FF, MGS, RE, but I think more attention should be given to Japanese titles as they can round out a console's game lineup if brought to the west. Western console gamers shouldn't have to turn their nose up at Japanese games due to some unwritten stigma. It would be nice to have the Yakuza's and the TLGs turn some heads and not dismissed as padding until the next CoD drops. These games will stay niche if they're no effort to market them wider.

Swordmasterman said:
caffeinade said:

Would be nice to see them make another Jak and Daxter game, or a new IP.

I think that they won't make games with a Cartoon style again.

That is a fair assesment, but one can hope.

4 hours since last update

#01 PS4s UC4 Bundle (same)
#39 XB1s-500gb Battlefield Bundle (down 2)
#50 XB1s-500gb Minecraft Bundle (up 3)
#57 N3DS Mario Black (up 7)
#66 NES Classic (up 13)
#78 XB1s-1tb Gears Bundle (up 12)
#85 XB1s-1tb Madden Bundle (up 12)
#88 XB1s-1tb Battflield Bundle (down 4)
#91 N3DSXL Lime (down 2)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)

#10 PS4 The Last Guardian (down 3)
#55 XB1 Dead Rising 4 (down 15)

1 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 1 in the top 10 / 1 in the top 5
5 in the top 100 / 2 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5


The PS5 Exists. 

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xbox one is doing well with 5 bundles in the top 100


Preston Scott

Teeqoz said:
RJ_Sizzle said:

Not every outlet likes them. You can hear it in dog whistles when they use terms like "archiac" or "old fashioned" to describe any of the mechanics in J-made games that aren't created by Nintendo. The generation that grew up on Xbox could care less about them. You can see it in the numbers. I want games like this and Persona 5 and TLG to get the attention they used to in a triple A market. A good game is a good game, no matter where it's made.

Or maybe Japanese devs have been struggling to keep up with the industry, leading to many of their games feeling old-fashioned and archaic, which again leads to a decline in sales? You think the media just decided "we don't like Japanese games any more lulz"? No...

They are kinda hypocritical....cause you look at how they rate Nintendo games so high, even when they're a gen behind most games of the same ilk. But the moment they add a couple of features that have been in games forever....they're praised for it. Look no further than the new Zelda game (my favorite game series)'s being praised for things games been doing for a long time 

Preston Scott

4 hours since last update

#01 PS4s UC4 Bundle (same)
#37 XB1s-500gb Battlefield Bundle (up 2)
#54 XB1s-500gb Minecraft Bundle (down 4)
#60 NES Classic (up 6)
#62 N3DS Mario Black (down 5)
#75 XB1s-1tb Gears Bundle (up 3)
#89 XB1s-1tb Madden Bundle (down 4)
#90 XB1s-1tb Battflield Bundle (down 2)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)

#15 PS4 The Last Guardian (down 5)
#55 XB1 Dead Rising 4 (down 15)

1 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 1 in the top 10 / 1 in the top 5
5 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5


The PS5 Exists. 

Is the TLG sold out now ?