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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Phil Spencer: "I'd Love to See Mario on Xbox"

Soundwave said:
CaptainExplosion2 said:
Doubt it would happen, unless Nintendo and Microsoft were forced into an alliance.

Getting your ass kicked by Sony for 16/20 years and being locked out of the traditional home console market I'd say is plenty of reasons to rethink things. 

The way the industry is totally favors Playstation and Sony would love to keep the status quo. MS and Nintendo should realize this and stop fighting amongst each other while in general being bullied around by Sony. 

Unless Sony makes another really dumb mistake like a $800 Playstation 5 (and even then Nintendo would need a miracle controller to capitalize), MS/Nintendo will always be licking Sony's boots. It's better for the two of them to work together. In the end it's better for the gamers too IMO, having some Nintendo IP on XBox and some MS IP on Switch would be good for the consumer in the end and mutually beneficial to both platforms. 

Did you know that, in this digital era, you can have more profit with less installbase than before ? Why would Nintendo let their pride and destroy their image of traditional console company by releasing their games on the Xbox ?

The only thing that could help Nintendo is third party support from all the major video game developers. Microsoft needs to create new IPS, their own  new ips, in order to make people interested in the Xbox  since Halo and Gears had a decline, a fairly big one, in sales.


Nintendo is competitive with Sony in Japan. Microsoft is competitive in the USA. Microsoft and Nintendo merging together would not make it popular in Europe since not even the 2 together can compete against Sony in those countries.

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Well, why dont hey include demos from other consoles?
A mario demo, and at the end a message: "full game only on switch"
Also, a halo demo on a nintendo console: "full content at xbox or W10"
same for other excusives, even from sony.
Let the consoles help each other, the consumers would go multiconsole every generation.

Explains why he's got his tongue up Nintendos ass. Probably thinks that sweet talking and MS monies can make it happen.

I smell a bromance here.  

People here are going to crucify me for saying this, but I trully believe that negotiations are already being made behind closed doors.

This is nothing more than the usual PR bullshit to paint xbox as the cool brand after all the hatred they received.

We are talking about MS here, their unique & only goal is a monopoly by crashing the competition with their big ass cash reserve.

Fortunatly for everyone content in VG is king and MS have a hard time generating that, which stopped them buying their way to the top.

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Refreshing to see this kind of gentlemen like honesty.

I'd love to see Nintendo games on PC.

Make it happen, Microsoft. You guys have a lot of money.

I'd like to see every game on every platform.
I want my Playstation homies playing Halo, but Nintendoids playing Bloodborne, and my Xboners playing Mario!

Nautilus said:
Soundwave said:

I think both will happen within 5-6 years. Watch and see. 

Halo on Switch and Mario on XBox. And I think personally it's a good thing. Will be good for Rareware too. 


I dont think so.First because that kind of a deal will obviously have the one that will benefit more, the one that will "own" the system those games will be launched on and remember as the "owner".And that ultimately will affect the brand.I dont think Nintendo nor MS wants to be the second guy here.

Second reason is that MS is having its own success.It seems that XOne is having a great momentum now, and it was already selling well.And it already has plans for the future, with Play Anywhere and Scorpio.The same can be said to Nintendo, with the whole Theme park/Movies/mobile initiatives, also with the Switch comming.If a deal is to be made, its not going to happen in the next 4 years.And if that happens, it will take an extra 2 or 3 years for us to see any kind of result out of that.So that wont happen soon at all, if it happens at all.

Third reason is that it is simply is more profitable to be a full owner(no partnership) of the platform or the business you are in, and thats especially true for Nintendo, because they can do whatever they want, and seeing how they do many things that are out of the box and outright different, while MS is more conservative(at least in my perspective).And time proved time and time again that this quirkiness is very profitable for Nintendo(Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Wii, DS,etc, were all born from this different way to see the industry, or if you prefer, lack of fear of doing something different).There is also the argument that you satnd to profit wayyyyyy more ripping all the profit of a platform for yourself than to split that with partners, even if you have to endure the occasional failure like the Wii U, if that means you have the chance to have another success as the Wii.Plus I see Nintendo as a very proud company.I think they prefer to go third party than to give in and make a joint partnership on a platform.

Plus its not like they wont have something to fall back to if the Switch fails(and fails here is very subjective).They will have many sources of income from all the initiatives they are doing, plus the merchandising and stuff.And since I personally think that the Switch will be successful, I dont see it happening.Like, never happening.

I think you're looking at it from just one perspective:  One hardware for both companies and IPs.  And that is not what Soundwave is saying.

I think what we're looking at here is a deal where we find SOME Nintendo IPs on MS hardware and viceversa.  That way both companies will have relatively the same benefits.

I truly believe that negotiations are already being made as we speak. 

SpokenTruth said:
Dr.Vita said:
He is right, Nintendo should go full third-party on PS4/Xbox One.
Nintendo can't keep up with the home console competition anymore imo.

Who says they have the sell as much to stay in business?  Or do we forget this is a business?

In-n-Out don't have to outsell McDonald's to stay in business.