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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Phil Spencer: "I'd Love to See Mario on Xbox"

He would make the AAA games fans wanted they said

He wouldn't forget 1st party platformer IPs like Conker, Banjo, Voodoo Vince and Blinx they said

Little did they know all Phil did in the meantime was dreaming about having Mario on his console

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I too would love to see Halo on a Nintendo console.
Halo is the only non-Nintendo franchise that would make me buy a non-Nintendo console.

Maybe one day we'll see a special partnership between MS and Nintendo, with a game made by both companies being released on both consoles.

Bah, Phil you have no fucking clue. Luigi is a much better choice, and he wears green, so it would go in perfect match with Xbox.

Also, screw Mario. Mario on Xbox would do nothing to me. The Legend of Zelda, dude. That's what you should want to see on Xbox!

SegataSanshiro said:
LivingMetal said:
Mario on Xbox almost became a reality when Microsoft first proposed a buyout of Nintendo. But when Microsoft made known that Nintendo was to cease hardware production, Nintendo back out of the potential deal. Otherwise, we would have seen a Mario game on the Xbox. Look on the bright side. Competition is good for the industry.

False. Never became a almost reality. MS wanted to but Nintendo was never going to sell(not even sure Japanese Gov would allow it). Nintendo never had interest. During that era Nintendo said they would never leave the hardware business unless they were bankrupt(it's in a interview with one of my old Gamenow Magazines). They wanted to also buy SEGA esp considering Xbox was nearly BC with all DC games as DC used Direct X 6 and Win CE and nearly had VMUs. Instead they settled on some exclusive games MS would publish. NoA of the time thought it was a joke and laughed it off. Yamauchi at best entertatined MS to get a look inside someone who wants to compete with them but there was never any chance Nintendo was going to sell.


There never was any deal on the table for MS to buy Nintendo. Yes Moore said MS wanted to. However magazines like EGM speculated there were deals and over the years that turned to rumor and rumor turned to false facts people spread. It was never going to happen. You have to remember Nintendo had no plans to exit the hardware business,in fact they attempted to strengthen it. They wanted all the rights to Harry Potter games for Gamecube. They nearly did buy Namco but 4 years later settled for buying Monolith Soft from Namco. Not to mention all the arcade hardware using GCN architecture like Triforce. No,Nintendo wanted more of their hardware out there. They even believed GCN only real competitor was the GBA.

"In the late 1990s, Microsoft realized that there was a vast market potential for video games and video game platforms–and that they didn’t know a thing about how to enter the market. While Nintendo had a hit with its Nintendo 64–the world’s first 64-bit game console–the company was still small enough that Microsoft, near the height of the tech bubble, thought they could get the cash to make the purchase. And so they tried: $25 billion was floated, but Nintendo CEO Hiroshi Yamauchi declined. Microsoft would likely have shut down the soon-to-come GameCube in favor of focusing on (and stealing the technology for) its forthcoming Xbox. Instead, the world got both–and perhaps most importantly, it got the Nintendo Wii and a three-part race for the future of gaming between Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony."

I'd love to hump Scarlet Johansson in her Motoko Kusanagi outfit.

Hunting Season is done...

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Sorry Phil but it is PR. Why would you even entertain that idea, it'll never happen.

Formerly ilovegirls69  :(

bunchanumbers said:
I could definitely see Nintendo working with MS. I could also see MS helping Nintendo make a streamlined OS that works well with Switch.

Streamlined OS from MS....  Don't make me laugh.  For one the Wii U and 3DS OS aren't bad.  I see a trend on this site that people like to take a shit on Wii U or 3DS OS but I'm not seeing really any issue with them.  Was the Wii U OS a little slow at launch?  Sure but it has been vastly improved and most loading times have been cut down enough.  If it takes about 40-50 seconds for Wii U to boot and load Netflix or Hulu (from a cold start and not quick launch which would probably be 30-40 seconds max) then I'm good with that.  I don't see any improvement Microsoft could make for Nintendo regarding their OS.  I'm sure Nintendo's hardware team which now has both division combined can handle Switch's OS just fine.

edit- I'm done talking trash about Microsoft because apparently my computer hard crashed right after I sent this message.  Went into a infinite loading loop which ctrl alt delete wouldn't even bring up task manager for me to stop whatever was holding up Windows 7...  Had to hold down power button to power down computer.  Karma is a bitch.

I believe Phil Spencer has been getting high recently and playing NES mini too much.

It's rather easy to have Mario games on the original Xbox at least, that beast can emulate all the way to the N64 with ease.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

In related news, popular games help sell video game consoles, companies like to have popular games on their video game consoles.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.