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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Laura Kate Dale: Ubisoft Developing Rabbids & Mario Crossover RPG For Switch Launch Day

Hey there folks, time for a Switch report about third-party exclusives you should expect on Switch launch day.

According to both of our sources at Ubisoft and Nintendo, on the day the Switch launches, it’ll launch alongside a new Ubisoft-developed turn based RPG, with the name suggesting it will be a crossover of the Raving Rabbids and Mario series.

The game, whose formal title has not yet been confirmed but is currently under the working title “Mario RPG: Invasion of the Rabbids”, is being developed under the watchful monitoring of Nintendo, ensuring that it both hits launch day and that it conforms to Nintendo’s own internal specifications for how Mario characters and iconography should be presented.

The title will focus on the Mario universe being invaded by Ubisoft’s Rabbids characters, some friend and some foe, and will feature a new Bowser form based around the design of the Rabbids as a recurring boss enemy. While there will be numerous cameo appearances from the Mario series’ best known characters, the core party will feature numerous, more minor characters. There is a particular focus on Yoshi as a primary party member, alongside a playable Rabbid.

The title will have a playable demo ready for press to experience in January, and will feature a quicksave system to ensure that saving is possible on short notice if the battery on the Switch handheld is running low. Part of the planned press demo includes the JoyCons vibrating to imply a Rabbid jumping into and out of them from the TV or handheld screen. The idea is to imply your system is infested with Rabbids, and that they could at any time jump out of your controller and interfere with gameplay.

The title is going to be one of the cornerstone trailers shown when Nintendo details the system further in January. Nintendo intends to pitch the project to consumers as a Mario RPG project in collaboration with Ubisoft, in spite of Ubisoft doing most of the work on development.

So, what do you think of this news? Do you still care about the Rabbids brand? Does a Mario-themed RPG on launch day make you feel better about the lack of Breath of the Wild on day one? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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This thread a while back can link back to this

When Emily Rogers decided to stop spreading rumors until January........ Eurogamer and Lauren Dale continues to takes over!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

If true, that's fine with me. This is the kind of third party support I want: titles unique to Switch that play to Nintendo's strengths. I already have a PS4/XOne for Ghost Recon, Far Cry, etc.

Damn, usually Nintendo have been very secretive when it comes to leaks, but at this rate will anything even be left for the January event? Lol.

Seems interesting though, i'm looking forward to seeing a trailer for this to see how it actually plays like.

FloatingWaffles said:
Damn, usually Nintendo have been very secretive when it comes to leaks, but at this rate will anything even be left for the January event? Lol.

Seems interesting though, i'm looking forward to seeing a trailer for this to see how it actually plays like.

They managed to keey the word "Switch" from not getting leaked........ XD 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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I could do without the Rabbids but It sounds good regardless. 2 Mario single player games at launch though?

Jranation said:
FloatingWaffles said:
Damn, usually Nintendo have been very secretive when it comes to leaks, but at this rate will anything even be left for the January event? Lol.

Seems interesting though, i'm looking forward to seeing a trailer for this to see how it actually plays like.

They managed to keey the word "Switch" from not getting leaked........ XD 

At this point i'm surprised that even managed to remain a secret since the whole entire idea behind the Switch was leaked a while back as well lol. 

I like seeing leaks like this because it builds a lot of hype and excitement since people are thirsty for Switch info, but I don't want there to be no more surprises left for the January event. Even Emily Rogers said she was gonna chill out on the rumors now until January. 

I'll just repeat what I posted on the thread Jranation posted:

I am baffled.

I don't know if that's a genious move, or the crappiest game idea ever had by Nintendo.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

That is.... A weird concept to say tge least.I mean, not the game itself, but the crossover with Rabbids.Its just... I dont see them mixing well.But hey, if it as good as child of Light or better, I wont complain.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

That is certainly a weird idea. Still, I liked Rabbid Rabitts on the Wii. If it's a solid party game like that I'm in. I had tons of fun with that game.