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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS4pro HDD vs SSD test up: DF tests & NXGamer. Final 5-40% perf improvement

Looks like I will really have to use my SSD for FFXV. While the amount of loading times should be fairly low I just can't accept one minute loading times in 2016.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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vivster said:
Looks like I will really have to use my SSD for FFXV. While the amount of loading times should be fairly low I just can't accept one minute loading times in 2016.

Won't there be a PC version of FF15?

walsufnir said:
vivster said:
Looks like I will really have to use my SSD for FFXV. While the amount of loading times should be fairly low I just can't accept one minute loading times in 2016.

Won't there be a PC version of FF15?

Yeah, in approximately 500 years.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
walsufnir said:

Won't there be a PC version of FF15?

Yeah, in approximately 500 years.

Honest question: Are you seriously looking forward to play this game? There is close to nothing that would make me feel that I had to play this game ... :(

walsufnir said:
vivster said:

Yeah, in approximately 500 years.

Honest question: Are you seriously looking forward to play this game? There is close to nothing that would make me feel that I had to play this game ... :(

It's a Final Fantasy game and I'm a whore. I'm also asucker for open world, so there's that. While everything about it looks terrible it will certainly have some redeeming qualities, it's a Final Fantasy game after all. I'm expecting one or two positive surprises.

Worst case Scenario is I run through it without full completion, save time doing so and save money paying for the PC version. Also it's way easier and more satisfying to shit on a game you actually played through.

If you don't like it just get yourself some WoFF, which is surprisingly good and content rich enough to warrant the full price.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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vivster said:
walsufnir said:

Honest question: Are you seriously looking forward to play this game? There is close to nothing that would make me feel that I had to play this game ... :(

It's a Final Fantasy game and I'm a whore. I'm also asucker for open world, so there's that. While everything about it looks terrible it will certainly have some redeeming qualities, it's a Final Fantasy game after all. I'm expecting one or two positive surprises.

Worst case Scenario is I run through it without full completion, save time doing so and save money paying for the PC version. Also it's way easier and more satisfying to shit on a game you actually played through.

If you don't like it just get yourself some WoFF, which is surprisingly good and content rich enough to warrant the full price.

Yeah, waiting for a good deal on a used Vita with a low firmware to Henkaku it, then "get" WoFF for it. This looks more to be my taste, tbh.

aLkaLiNE said:

Excellent. Do you have any other pro patched titles that you can test this on?

Yeah, I have some, but unfortunately I have sold already my og ps4 console.

Intrinsic said:

First test of a PS4pro with an SSD in the system. I won't call it an exhaustive test, but basically we see improvements of 22% to 40%+ plus depending on the game (all based from the 4 games tested).

View on YouTube

This just in, and of Final Fantasy 15. It shows loading times as much as halved on the PS4pro using an SSD.

View on YouTube

And just in from DF

View on YouTube


A summary of DF results:

Fallout 4:

PS4 HDD: 55.30 seconds 
PS4 SSD: 29.06 seconds
Pro HDD: 48.54 seconds
Pro SSD: 26.40 seconds 

Witcher 3:

PS4 HDD: 1m 32.3s
PS4 SSD: 1m 09.2s 
Pro HDD: 1m 18.6s 
Pro SSD: 1m 07.3s

Just cause 3:

PS4 HDD: 1m 10.2s
PS4 SSD: 43.52 seconds
Pro HDD: 1m 16.4s
Pro SSD: 42.29 seconds 

Project Cars:

PS4 HDD: 50.30 seconds
PS4 SSD: 40.26 seconds
Pro HDD: 43.58 seconds 
Pro SSD: 41.03 seconds

A significant oversight on DF part: None of the games tested has a Pro patch available. I don't know how DF could have made such a mistake. If the PS4pro throttles down to match the OG PS4 specs as is then wouldn't it mean that the benefits from running an SSD on the Pro would also match those of the PS4og, I feel they should have done their tests using games that at least have a Pro patch available which would at least have taken advantage of the Pro's hardware. 

You can also ignore Just Cause 3 strange results because we know this game can have random loading times.

As a whole the stock Pro HDD is faster than the stock PS4 HDD which will matter for most people.

antigin said:

My fifty cents

It seems that the longer HDD is used, the more unstable it's loading times. Not only worse, but unstable.

I did some test with my 850 Evo.

PS4 boot 18,6s (user selection screen)

Uncharted 4 boot unpatched&patched 20,5s (corpse in the cage, this is somewhat inaccurate since you can skip stuff by mashing X)

Driveclub boot 17,5s (opening demo beginning)


WoFF has Pro patch like U4 and the results were interesting. After installing the patch I noticed you can speed up the boot time by mashing X like in U4 so I don't have the fastest unpatched boot time.

WoFF unpatched 28s (sound signal)

WoFF patched 24s (sound signal)

WoFF patched/mashing X 20s (sound signal)

WoFF Coloseum--->Teleport Nine Wood Hills 5s

So the patch had an effect on boot times but was it because it enabled Pro features or did it speed up the boot also on OG PS4?

I cannot imagine toilet-free life.

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Final update of the OP.

Final analysis puts SSD use in a PS4pro at 3-40% average improvement. Depending on how the game streams data and/or if it's patched or not.