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Forums - Sony Discussion - Fuzzy logic major news story.

The Pow3r of Teh C311?

I barely caught the last part of the interview.
They should have chosen a better PR person than that lady, she was bad.

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Around the Network

If anybody finds some information about this, could they put it up here. I'm really interested in this discovery.

So the PS3 is getting it's own RRoD?



fazz said:
So the PS3 is getting it's own RRoD?



 RRoD was only a timed exclusive for the Xbox 360

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

This is probably being overblown and looks like (another) weak excuse to attack the PS3.

Around the Network

So the Ps3 might have a seriously high pro cent failure rate before the 10 years are even met?

DKII said:
This is probably being overblown and looks like (another) weak excuse to attack the PS3.

I'm waiting for a proper article to review myself, but if this is true that a very serious problem for Sony.  It should be a reason to attack IBM and feel sorry for Sony, IMO.

DKII said:
This is probably being overblown and looks like (another) weak excuse to attack the PS3.

 Or an April Fool's Day Joke

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

April Fools.

I would like to express my thanks to those that helped in the final few minutes. I know we had a number of our fellow posters rushing to their television sets.

Lol....I was wondering when I was going to see something, kept checking G4tv thinking they couldn't possibly not report this. Thanks for the laugh Dod, you got me.
