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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. November bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Whew! I don't know about everyone else, but that was a wild ride. Will Sony keep the party going in Dec.? Can't wait to find out.

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PS4 back to $299 on Amazon now. Can ps4 keep its place at the top of the Amazon hourly charts or will Xbox one pull out a surprise attack on our hero?! Find out next time on the mighty morphin power rangers!!

PS4 UC bundle up to # 14 on yearly charts

Holy crap UC4 bundle now 14 in the yearly chart.

Looks like MS is staying at $249 wonder if that means they lost BF and are looking to make up sales. Although the BF bundle did jump to 65 in the yearly. Going to be huge numbers all around this holiday. Wonder when the Ps4 COD bundle is dropping. Will probably be announced at Psx I assume.



Edit:  looking around it seems only Amazon is offering x1 for $249.  

UltimateGamer1982 said:
PS4 back to $299 on Amazon now. Can ps4 keep its place at the top of the Amazon hourly charts or will Xbox one pull out a surprise attack on our hero?! Find out next time on the mighty morphin power rangers!!

The Xbox One Slim is 249$.... that price differnces is probably gonna cost the PS4 the #1 spot.

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Frank_kc said:
PS4 UC bundle up to # 14 on yearly


Kinda surprised that noone posted this already:

Looks like XBox One won the Black Friday ONLINE (according to Adobe):

"The five top selling electronic products on Black Friday were Apple iPads, Samsung 4k TVs, Apple MacBook Air, LG TVs and Microsoft Xbox."

Combined with the Infoscout graphic it looks like XOne has a shot of winning November despite strong PS4 Amazon sales and the Launch of the Pro.

That's kinda crazy...and I love it!

Wow! Xbox One at #2 while still having multiple bundles quite high!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Raptor said:

Kinda surprised that noone posted this already:

Looks like XBox One won the Black Friday ONLINE (according to Adobe):

"The five top selling electronic products on Black Friday were Apple iPads, Samsung 4k TVs, Apple MacBook Air, LG TVs and Microsoft Xbox."

Combined with the Infoscout graphic it looks like XOne has a shot of winning November despite strong PS4 Amazon sales and the Launch of the Pro.

That's kinda crazy...and I love it!

Doubtful, still they lost this month WW badly. 

Na, I am not that convinced.

We'll see, I guess. I am just surprised that Xbox was THAT strong. They're really on a roll lately.

Edit: WW? Haven't seen that. Why are you talking about WW? Lol