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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - I wish Microsoft would just focus on games for the 360

gebx said:
MS gaming division is getting screwed from the $42 billion offer for Yahoo.

If the deal fall through, expect MS to purchase Take Two or even EA
 Doesn't really work like that....Microsoft's gaming division will never get as much money as their other divisions, mainly because all other Microsoft divisions make a crapload more money than their game division. 


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leo-j said:
I dont understand why sony pictures part of SONY is releasing movies on Xbox live, and not on the PSN? Its stupid.
 Because they don't make or publish the games, completely different divisions, Sony Pictures - Sony Computer Entertainment, shit you could also ask why most of Sony BMG's music are allowed on various games and movies, each division wants to make the most money it can, that will actually help Sony as a whole. 


Legend11 said:
I know they have dreams of taking a slice of the digital distribution of entertainment in the livingroom pie but sometimes I wish they would just focus on videogames for the the 360 and let other companies take care of the rest on the system (if it's worthwhile for those companies to do so).

For example Microsoft has just made a deal with Safran Digital Group (read: paid out) to have exclusive original content created (shows) for Xbox Live Video Marketplace. Now this money is likely coming from the money generated by licensing fees of games on the Xbox 360 so why can't they just put that money back into either internal game development, external game development, or buying exclusives for the system? If they did that it would give gamers more reasons to buy the system and grow the installed base even more. Then other media companies (tv, movies, etc) seeing the popularity of the system would come to Microsoft rather than Microsoft having to go after them.

Anyways it's just too bad that they don't have real gamers running things with the Xbox line rather than having so many business suits, some of which really are clueless about gaming.

(Note: I'm not saying everyone involved with the Xbox line is clueless about gaming, they have some people that are really passionate about it. It's just that there seems to be a lot of higher ups there that aren't.)

I would agree with you except for the fact that MS has billions of reserve cash in the bank, i.e. - they don't need to redirect any Xbox development funds to make this happen.


gebx said:
MS gaming division is getting screwed from the $42 billion offer for Yahoo.

If the deal fall through, expect MS to purchase Take Two or even EA

Wouldn't that be something if Take Two who is losing money (pre-GTAIV anyway) gets bought by money losing EA only to in turn get bought out by money-losing MS gaming division.  It'd be the industries greatest money-losing giant ever!!  Churns out tons of games and still can't make a profit!


Have you all ever head the saying:

"Can't see the forest through the trees"

Well all the super die hard MS fanboys (StarCraft) are following this saying.

I don’t know about you guys, but I am a gamer, and all I want is what’s good for gaming. Most of what is talked about here is great for MS, sucks for everyone else (including MS fans).

Would you really want to MS do so well and sacrifice the world of gaming. I think you have lost your way people.

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gebx said:
MS gaming division is getting screwed from the $42 billion offer for Yahoo.

If the deal fall through, expect MS to purchase Take Two or even EA

 Really wish they had gone for Epic, or even Valve. Would have made much more sense to me.

 Would have liked MS to spend more money on retaining good leaders like Peter Moore who had a gung-ho attitude and wasnt distracted in focusing on the main thing - the games.

FilaBrasileiro said:
gebx said:
MS gaming division is getting screwed from the $42 billion offer for Yahoo.

If the deal fall through, expect MS to purchase Take Two or even EA
Doesn't really work like that....Microsoft's gaming division will never get as much money as their other divisions, mainly because all other Microsoft divisions make a crapload more money than their game division.


The reason the other divisions are making more money is they are more developed and larger also not everyone likes video games and more people have pcs with no games. 


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