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Forums - Politics Discussion - FBI REOPENS Investigation into Hillary Clinton Emails

bunchanumbers said:
Ronster316 said:

Oh dear........ THINK...!!!

of if you can't, take my bet.

And how does this tie to Hillary? Its like people are trying to pin this on her when it has nothing to do with her. Its ridiculous. Trump is grabbing women by the pussy and tellling 10 year olds that he'll be dating them in the future. I'm not voting for that.

You voted early.......... too late to educate you.... but here it is anyway

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And that video was from LAST YEAR.......... so much more corruption has happened since then involving Crooked Killary...!!!!

I don't agree with everything she say's....... but when a CLINTON NEWS NETWORK reporter gets slaughtered..... i ENDORSE IT......

spurgeonryan said:
So we elect her and then she goes to jail, forget it, I'll just vote trump.

No. If we elect her, then whoever she appoints as Attorney General will refuse to prosecute the case. I think the only reason they're bothering with any investigation is in case she doesn't win. If she wins, the case is done. If she loses, it will proceed.

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That reminds me - why did Bernie gave up so early? If he chose to preemptively bow to Clinton, how could he stand up to bigger challenges? Was Bernie an insider or just old and tired?

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numberwang said:
That reminds me - why did Bernie gave up so early? If he chose to preemptively bow to Clinton, how could he stand up to bigger challenges? Was Bernie an insider or just old and tired?

He is, as the kids say, a cuck. His wife has more balls than he does. She should have run.

LivingMetal said:
Nem said:
I love how everyone just jumps in and think this is a confirmation that something is wrong.

Quite honestly, the timing is way too convenient for this to be anything but outside pressures.

I think it's sad the way people prosecute this woman without any proof ever beeing found.

So that means when OJ was first acquitted he didn't commit a murder.  Just because one didn't get caught doesn't mean that person didn't do it. 

Do you know he did it? No, you don't. You're just assuming without any proof. That is nothing but nonsense.

Besides they are very different cases. If you got no proof, you are just taking stuff out of your rear end.

Hillary is no victim

She has done a lot of bad things but is really good at hiding it.

bunchanumbers said:
Not concerned in the least. Early voting has been going on for a while now. I already voted for her. I would hate to see the world end because of a guy named Weiner exchanging sexts with someone across state lines.

Well, Hillary really wants to get into a conflict with Russia, a nuclear power, so it's not like she's an advocate for peace.

VGPolyglot said:

Well, Hillary really wants to get into a conflict with Russia, a nuclear power, so it's not like she's an advocate for peace.

It's bad enough that she learned nothing from Iraq and Libya, but it's just unconscionable that she wants to pull the same shit against a close Russian ally.