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Forums - Politics Discussion - FBI REOPENS Investigation into Hillary Clinton Emails

I wonder if the 33K secret emails wil be relased by wikileaks? Rumor has it will come out 1st or 2nd november.

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numberwang said:

I wonder if the 33K secret emails wil be relased by wikileaks? Rumor has it will come out 1st or 2nd november.

Probably. Word has been November 1 for a long time now. If Kim really sent them on the 26th, that sounds about the right timeframe for vetting them and indexing them in their database.

Soundwave said:
Trump is under a class action lawsuit for fraud for his Trump University, but that's been convienantly delayed until after the election.

For me the bottom line is this -- Hilary Clinton didn't hurt anyone with these emails. The Republicans have combed over them 5000 times desperately hoping for something -- anything -- and they found crap. There was nothing in those emails that harmed anyone. Whereas with Trump there are plenty of examples of him hurting people -- sexually assualting women, defrauding people at his university, and a litany of other issues.

She didn't follow protocol, but quite frankly 60+ year olds should not be in charge of things like email servers in the first place, the government should hire tech savvy people to handle that thing. I'm voting for someone based on their political experience, not their email server ability.

An email server protocol is not a reason to elect the most grossly inexperienced, temperamentally unsound president in the history of the US.

I agree that Trump has his own issues, but that doesnt mean you ignore what she did.  The 5000 emails you speak of were the ones she turned over.  The problem lies in the 10,000+ emails she deleted first.  These new emails are from those emails collected from a person she sent them to.  So, what they investigated before is irrelevent.  The issue of her not being an IT person is also irrelevent, as it is not the server set up itself, but the fact that she set one up in the first place.  She admits that she knew that the private email server was not supposed to have classified emails.  What she said is that she didn't realize the contents of certain emails were classified and didn't understand the importance of the classification system.  I hav held a top secret clearance and i can tell you that it is literally impossible to get that clearance without signing many documents and having many training sessions on how the document classification system works and how you can"share" the information.  That is why so many people are miffed that she is trying to use the "i didn't know" excuse and then also claims she has so much experience in the government.  The whole thing is clearly a political cover up and a sham.

It is near the end of the end....

I love how everyone just jumps in and think this is a confirmation that something is wrong.

Quite honestly, the timing is way too convenient for this to be anything but outside pressures.

I think it's sad the way people prosecute this woman without any proof ever beeing found.

ArchangelMadzz said:

You had a chance America.


Some of the emails implied communication between the white house and Hillarys campaign working together. Maybe the choice was made for you America.

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Oh no! Lulz

It's not like it matters when Trump is the opposition.

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Nem said:
I love how everyone just jumps in and think this is a confirmation that something is wrong.

Quite honestly, the timing is way too convenient for this to be anything but outside pressures.

I think it's sad the way people prosecute this woman without any proof ever beeing found.

So that means when OJ was first acquitted he didn't commit a murder.  Just because one didn't get caught doesn't mean that person didn't do it. 

StarOcean said:
Jesus. This whole election is a mess. This nightmare is only 11 days from being over... only 11 days... 11... days... 11 very long days..

The election is just the beginning! One of them will be commander and chief.. I don't envy you guys.

Nem said:
I love how everyone just jumps in and think this is a confirmation that something is wrong.

Quite honestly, the timing is way too convenient for this to be anything but outside pressures.

I think it's sad the way people prosecute this woman without any proof ever beeing found.

Do you honestly believe that Hillary has done nothing wrong?

Nem said:
I love how everyone just jumps in and think this is a confirmation that something is wrong.

Quite honestly, the timing is way too convenient for this to be anything but outside pressures.

I think it's sad the way people prosecute this woman without any proof ever beeing found.

I like the OJ comparison for humor sake and the reality of it.


When the argument was made that 10,000+ emails were "accidently deleted" right before handing the info over, I guess you should assume that there was no wrongdoing?  Even in the 5,000+ emails that were handed over, there was enough illegal activity that any normal person with access to that kind of info would have had been sentenced to hundreds of years in prison.  She literally used the "i didn't understand how to read the classifications" excuse!  Even with 30+ years of being actively involved in this arena???

It is near the end of the end....