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Forums - Sony Discussion - World of Final Fantasy (PS4/PSV) demo launches October 17 in the west, opening movie (UPDATE: Released in NA and EU - OP Updated with "Detailed info and Links")

I really don't try demos like ever since it's possible to get the wrong impression but for WoFF the hype is just too much. Downloading.

I cannot imagine toilet-free life.

Kebabs have a unique attribute compared to other consumables. To unlock this effect you need to wolf down a big ass kebab really fast, like under 10 minutes or so and wait for the effect to kick in. If done correctly your movements should feel unbelievably heavy to the point where you literally cannot move at all.

-Downtown Alanya Kebab magazine issue no.198

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think-man said:
Any opinions yet?

Demo was way too short. There were like half a dozen monsters you can catch. I didnt like the fixed camera angle  

Cool, I'll download it and give it a go when I'm home. thanks.

Hmm, pie.

More hyped for this then FFXV

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

YES...fuck yes...omg, World of Final Fantays is everything I wanted and more

omg, Square-Enix actually got it right this time.

Where to begin?
Battle-System works perfectly, there's fast-forward, auto-battle, team skills, and the best thing is that you are able to follow how the battle is going. FFXIII had so much shit going on where all the spells and attacks happened simultanously so you really didn't have time to inspect which attack/spell was effective and who did the most damage and it felt like it didn't even matter at all because you just attacked till the enemy was dead. But WoFF is like it should be, you can appreciate the different attacks and those cinematic champion specials. Then you got the classic input system if you prefer that not that there was anything wrong with the standard system.

I love how you don't have to manage the camera on your own, it's very "light" to play. The fixed camera can also produce beautiful and memorable scenes compared to watching the character from behind for the whole game.

Fighting enemies and gaining experience feels rewarding since there is always someone leveling up or close to and the "sphere-grid" supports this.

SE should have given an option to select between chibi and normal versions for every character and WoFF appeal would have been much bigger. But anyways, this is a must have for old dogs...


How could I forget to mention you can ride chocobos and behemoths. There's also jump well more like you can do a small hop but it's a godsend, it's these small details that make a huge difference when you have to walk around.

I cannot imagine toilet-free life.

Kebabs have a unique attribute compared to other consumables. To unlock this effect you need to wolf down a big ass kebab really fast, like under 10 minutes or so and wait for the effect to kick in. If done correctly your movements should feel unbelievably heavy to the point where you literally cannot move at all.

-Downtown Alanya Kebab magazine issue no.198

Around the Network

It was meh. Sure as hell didn't miss random encounters

I was pleasantly surprised by Vita version - fast and smooth, excellent sound quality. Gonna go with portability over better visuals. Preordered!

I guess this really was a taster for things to come. Here's basic controls, now go that way. I must have missed a few things as you guys are mentioning changing the speed of battle but I couldn't even find the options to the game. The 'simple' combat was a little lackluster, so I switched to 'classic' every move but it never stayed on classic, so I had to press L1 every time. The actual combat, I liked, basically, it was final fantasy but the aspect of stacking was interesting, joining with different monsters to be able to do more spells is a unique way of doing things, although saw little point (other then have more turns) in unstacking, I guess if I were to play the full game it might become more obvious. FF crossed with Pokemon, simples.

However, no substitute for a fully fledged FF game with that style of combat.

Hmm, pie.

The Fury said:
I must have missed a few things as you guys are mentioning changing the speed of battle but I couldn't even find the options to the game. 

You can only change it at the title screen. 

BasilZero said:

When you start the demo - there's a Config option alongside "Start demo" at the beginning.

Pinkie_pie said:

You can only change it at the title screen. 

Cheers guys... here I was thinking it would have an in game menu... you know like nearly every other game ever.

Hmm, pie.