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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Direct Feed Games: NX Is 3-4x The Wii U, Nvidia Pascal Tegra GPU

JRPGfan said:

Akeos look here:

320 SP theory:
"The issue with that Latte linked spec that you and OryoN discussed is that it has a serious flow in its numbers WRT the VLIW5 rumors: by the quoted numbers, Latte cannot be a VLIW5."

"Five CUs (compute units, AKA SIMD units) and 320 SPs (shader processors, AKA processing elements) means each CU should host 64 PEs. 64 is not a multiple of 5, and VLIW5 works with quintets of PEs. Not to mention the consensus is that there are 8 CUs on the die shot, and that's one of the few things there's a consensus about"

qoute - Blu Neogaf.

The problem is Neogaf has members that are devs, or nintendo people.
They know its VLIW5, a member (BG) that knows said it was so.
But that doesnt fit with the 320 number.
So it cant have those 320 cores (that is my understanding of reading this, maybe its wrong?)

the 352 gflop number you quote comes from:
320 stream proccessors (cores) x 2 x 550mhz = 352,000 flops (352 gflops).

But we "know" thanks to BG from neogaf that it uses VLIW5.
Which means that 320 stream proccessors isnt TRUE! (read blu's comment at the top)
So all those sites saying its 352 gflop are wrong.

I have looked through the last few pages on a 238+ page long thread on neogaf looking for some way to prove this. Theres probably some better than what I found but... yeah that ll take some time to look through.

If you feel up to it:


Buttom line:

Eggs heads on Neogaf all agree its actually 160 stream proccessors (not 320), and that it thus only has 176 Gflops.

I believe them.





Supposedly the red ones are the ALUs (20 steam processors each) and the blue's the TMU.

It matchs up (from what I understand). 

20/5 = 4.

8 ALUs of 20 steam proccessors = 160

160 "cores" running 550mhz =  160 x 2 x 550 = 176,000 (176 Gflops)

Where they go wrong in their assumptions is all of the unaccounted for parts of the chip which no one on NeoGaf could tell what they did, besides being fixed function. If you believe them to be them to be fixed functions then how do you just throw those processing abilities away and not include them in the theoretical number?

I believe they said 35%- 40% of the chip they can't iron down exactly what it does, but they know the latte is more efficient than the previous 7th generation consoles... This was the main reason why the 176 Gflops was always being challenged.

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Naum said:
If Zelda Breath of the wild is the best they can create( wich it sure as hell wont be) then I and alot of Nintendo fans will be happy campers.

Starting to get tired of all this extreme power bulls**t that some of you in this thread spew out... I don't need it, I use my PC for that and so do alot of people.

I couldn't agree more with this post, I think exactly the same way. All this power stuff is getting pretty tiring.

And not like third parties will run to the NX if it's powerful, for them the audience for their games isn't on Nintendo consoles.

JRPGfan said:

"The Rv770 has 180 lots of 5 shaders giving a total of 900 shaders of which only 800 were enabled on the full fat die as the other 100 were spares to increase yields. Looking at the latte die it appears to have 32 lots of 5 shaders which is 160 cores meaning 176 GLOPS is the correct answer." - Marlenus


160 x 2 x 550 mhz = 176000 flops  (176 Gflops)


Everything else beside what I just wrote above is wrong.

Now you know, stop spreading wrong information.

You are entirely correct.

The Wii U is based on the VLIW 5 architecture. (Very Long Instruction Word - 5 Way.)

But because the GPU is far more efficient, it is also far more capable than what the Gflop number implies, the Wii U can do more modern effects and lots more of them at any one time than the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360... And the games back that up.

teigaga said:

No one actually cares about specs, they care about games and NX games will look near identical to PS4 games unless they got a decent CPU to double the FPS which would likely negate their price advantage over the PS4.

If the NX is using Tegra... Then it is likely using Denver. And possibly Denver 2. The NX could give the Playstation 4/Xbox One a good run for it's money in CPU performance... As the latest Tegra uses a Big.Super CPU design. - The real kicker is if Nintendo has deviated from that.
We just have to wait and see.

shikamaru317 said:

That would put it at at least Xbox One level, possibly between Xbox One and PS4, since Nvidia flops are better than AMD flops usually. 352 x 3 = 1056 gflops, 352 x 4 = 1,408 gflops. 

No. nVidia's flops aren't any better than AMD's flops.
There is just so much more to a GPU's performance that people are associating a chips complete performance to flops and then thinking that nVidia's flops are magically better than AMD's, when that is entirely inaccurate.

shikamaru317 said:
I highly doubt Wii U is 176 gflops, it wouldn't be able to top 360 and PS3 graphics if it was 176, because 360 and PS3 were both 240 gflops. Multiple sources have it listed at 352 gflops and actual game performance seems to back that up.

You can doubt it all you wan't, it won't change anything. There is more to performance than flops.

JRPGfan said:

Newer architecture.  Flops =/= flops.

Also bottlenecks, maybe the Wii U has area's its stronger in than the PS3 or Xb360, which means its 176 Gflops make its equal to the other two.

The Wii U has a ton of cache and memory to hide bandwidth and latency deficits.

Plus one of the largest issues developers had last generation was the lack of memory, especially towards the end of the generation.

Ck1x said:

Where they go wrong in their assumptions is all of the unaccounted for parts of the chip which no one on NeoGaf could tell what they did, besides being fixed function. If you believe them to be them to be fixed functions then how do you just throw those processing abilities away and not include them in the theoretical number?

I believe they said 35%- 40% of the chip they can't iron down exactly what it does, but they know the latte is more efficient than the previous 7th generation consoles... This was the main reason why the 176 Gflops was always being challenged.

Even so, the unaccounted parts of the chip doesn't change what we do know about the chip.

The unacconuted parts do not have any parts resembling other parts of the chip, so it's likely logic, fixed function and specialized units and spare area.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

JRPGfan said:
Akeos said:

Xbox 360 have 10 MB EDRAM (2005)

Wiiu have 36 MB EDRAM (2012)

Et you really think x360 > 240 GFLOPS and wiiu > 170 GFLOPS ? 


Take a moment,  and think about watts you say... Look to xenoblade... Everyone say 352 GFLOPS... Games look 352 gflop... 

So your saying why give a weaker console graphics, more cashe? and memory bandwidth?

I can understand that. But my reply is just maybe nintendo puts weight on differnt design philosophies than MS.

They make these machines based on what they need. Maybe some hardware engineer told them to give it alot of edram, because they would need it for a new mario game?


Also All flops arnt equal. Just like with the mhz of a cpu, a intel cpu at the same mhz is usually faster than the amd one.

It varies from architecture to architecture.


Everyone says 352 Gflops....... except the people that know that it is not that.

I explained to you why it cannot be 352.

320 cores doesnt work with VLIW5.

It just means alot of people are wrong.


And lastly..... theres more to being strong at graphics than just how many Flops of compute power a graphics card has.


The 5550 variant disabled one shader engine, so had only 320 stream processors (4 engines, 80 VLIW-5 units each).

Wiiu have customised gpgpu...  You can't say VLIW 5  is a raison to don't have 320 cores... 

foxtail said:
teigaga said:

This is interesting but doesn't change the point. Why didn't people buy both systems since the Gamecube was so cheap? The truth is once people have one gaming system they're quite content with that for the rest of the generation. Even if an NX undercuts the PS4 in price, it'll likely be a similar position to the gamecube but even worse considering PS2 only had 1 year advantage instead of 3.

The PS2 sold ~81.89 Million units after it had a price cut to $149 (more than half it's sales), so it was cheap in its own right.  It also had a lot of games and capabilities to satisfy most.  That generation likely had the least multi-console owners just by looking at the dominance of the PS2, but when both the Wii and PS3/X360 succeeded multi-console ownership probably increased a lot too.

The introduction of intermittent consoles like PS4 pro and looming Scorpio is likely shake up the traditional console cycle anyways and might influence a change in buying patterns.  If the NX can somehow entice people with something compelling when people are looking at new hardware then they might have a chance.

It may, but not as the weak hardware.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Around the Network
Pemalite said:
JRPGfan said:

"The Rv770 has 180 lots of 5 shaders giving a total of 900 shaders of which only 800 were enabled on the full fat die as the other 100 were spares to increase yields. Looking at the latte die it appears to have 32 lots of 5 shaders which is 160 cores meaning 176 GLOPS is the correct answer." - Marlenus


160 x 2 x 550 mhz = 176000 flops  (176 Gflops)


Everything else beside what I just wrote above is wrong.

Now you know, stop spreading wrong information.

You are entirely correct.

The Wii U is based on the VLIW 5 architecture. (Very Long Instruction Word - 5 Way.)

But because the GPU is far more efficient, it is also far more capable than what the Gflop number implies, the Wii U can do more modern effects and lots more of them at any one time than the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360... And the games back that up.

teigaga said:

No one actually cares about specs, they care about games and NX games will look near identical to PS4 games unless they got a decent CPU to double the FPS which would likely negate their price advantage over the PS4.

If the NX is using Tegra... Then it is likely using Denver. And possibly Denver 2. The NX could give the Playstation 4/Xbox One a good run for it's money in CPU performance... As the latest Tegra uses a Big.Super CPU design. - The real kicker is if Nintendo has deviated from that.
We just have to wait and see.

shikamaru317 said:

That would put it at at least Xbox One level, possibly between Xbox One and PS4, since Nvidia flops are better than AMD flops usually. 352 x 3 = 1056 gflops, 352 x 4 = 1,408 gflops. 

No. nVidia's flops aren't any better than AMD's flops.
There is just so much more to a GPU's performance that people are associating a chips complete performance to flops and then thinking that nVidia's flops are magically better than AMD's, when that is entirely inaccurate.

shikamaru317 said:
I highly doubt Wii U is 176 gflops, it wouldn't be able to top 360 and PS3 graphics if it was 176, because 360 and PS3 were both 240 gflops. Multiple sources have it listed at 352 gflops and actual game performance seems to back that up.

You can doubt it all you wan't, it won't change anything. There is more to performance than flops.

JRPGfan said:

Newer architecture.  Flops =/= flops.

Also bottlenecks, maybe the Wii U has area's its stronger in than the PS3 or Xb360, which means its 176 Gflops make its equal to the other two.

The Wii U has a ton of cache and memory to hide bandwidth and latency deficits.

Plus one of the largest issues developers had last generation was the lack of memory, especially towards the end of the generation.

Ck1x said:

Where they go wrong in their assumptions is all of the unaccounted for parts of the chip which no one on NeoGaf could tell what they did, besides being fixed function. If you believe them to be them to be fixed functions then how do you just throw those processing abilities away and not include them in the theoretical number?

I believe they said 35%- 40% of the chip they can't iron down exactly what it does, but they know the latte is more efficient than the previous 7th generation consoles... This was the main reason why the 176 Gflops was always being challenged.

Even so, the unaccounted parts of the chip doesn't change what we do know about the chip.

The unacconuted parts do not have any parts resembling other parts of the chip, so it's likely logic, fixed function and specialized units and spare area.

Once again you still aren't giving any information on why these areas of the chip can't count for any extra processing abilities. It just sounds like a bunch of people making excuses because they aren't fully sure of how everything works together on the chip.

I was following all of that back and forth on NeoGaf and it seemed like in the end people gave up and just excepted a number because it was to difficult to decide what was actually going on with Latte's design.

Akeos said:
JRPGfan said:


The 5550 variant disabled one shader engine, so had only 320 stream processors (4 engines, 80 VLIW-5 units (in) each).

Wiiu have customised gpgpu...  You can't say VLIW 5  is a raison to don't have 320 cores... 

I dont know how to convince you, so I wont try too anymore.

There has to be someone better suited to this than me to explain it.

Neogaf guys say 176 Gflops, it is that, I trust those guys.

JRPGfan said:

I dont know how to convince you, so I wont try too anymore.

There has to be someone better suited to this than me to explain it.

Neogaf guys say 176 Gflops, it is that, I trust those guys.

GAF have also been behind a number of the NX rumours so that's not saying much.

Wyrdness said:
JRPGfan said:

I dont know how to convince you, so I wont try too anymore.

There has to be someone better suited to this than me to explain it.

Neogaf guys say 176 Gflops, it is that, I trust those guys.

GAF have also been behind a number of the NX rumours so that's not saying much.

How you dare to say that from all mighty Neogaf? 

Goodnightmoon said:

How you dare to say that from all mighty Neogaf? 

Defiance is a common trait among those in Britain, I just find it funny they don't know what the whole chip does so settle on a number based on a few things they know, it's like saying we know the engine in that car uses this fuel to operate so it must be blah blah even though we don't know how the engine works from its design.