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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Direct Feed Games: NX Is 3-4x The Wii U, Nvidia Pascal Tegra GPU

I expected 1.5 to 2 times the wii U.
would be fine for a sub 6" 720p screen, and would fit the 200$ price point, maybe 150$ at holidays.

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Its amusing. People here are saying power doesn't matter. When you know it does. The power of the system is going to impact whether or not it gets 3rd party support. It is a big deal.

But the price is the bigger deal. $299 is a ridiculous price to pay for NX if this is its power. You could pay less, get a Xbox One OG for $229 and save $70.

How is it good business to charge more for inferior hardware? I'm seriously expecting this to sell for far less than you guys think. $199 should be the absolute maximum for NX.

bunchanumbers said:
Its amusing. People here are saying power doesn't matter. When you know it does. The power of the system is going to impact whether or not it gets 3rd party support. It is a big deal.

But the price is the bigger deal. $299 is a ridiculous price to pay for NX if this is its power. You could pay less, get a Xbox One OG for $229 and save $70.

How is it good business to charge more for inferior hardware? I'm seriously expecting this to sell for far less than you guys think. $199 should be the absolute maximum for NX.

Are you completely ignoring the fact that is also a handheld for some reason? That technology for a handheld does not look all that cheap

Goodnightmoon said:
bunchanumbers said:
Its amusing. People here are saying power doesn't matter. When you know it does. The power of the system is going to impact whether or not it gets 3rd party support. It is a big deal.

But the price is the bigger deal. $299 is a ridiculous price to pay for NX if this is its power. You could pay less, get a Xbox One OG for $229 and save $70.

How is it good business to charge more for inferior hardware? I'm seriously expecting this to sell for far less than you guys think. $199 should be the absolute maximum for NX.

Are you completely ignoring the fact that is also a handheld for some reason? That technology for a handheld does not look all that cheap

I saw a tablet on sale for $40 the other day. It can't be all that bad.

bunchanumbers said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Are you completely ignoring the fact that is also a handheld for some reason? That technology for a handheld does not look all that cheap

I saw a tablet on sale for $40 the other day. It can't be all that bad.

So? My mother bought one of those recently, appart from the fact that gaming on that thing is awful, is not even remotely close to Ps Vita levels, let alone WiiU or NX.

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Miyamotoo said:

You cant know that, you could predict that Wii will pass 100m!?

It have nothing with GC, it far more Wii than GC.

I agree with him on that front as a me 2 console has never worked for any company in gaming, it requires the market leader to mess up, his point is in order to get back to normal Nintendo needs to follow it's own approach. This I agree with as it's not rocket science that if they release a standard console like the other guy is saying it'll be GC all over again.

The mainstream won't just drop the PS4 and X1 owners won't just drop their platform either because NX is a standard platform as well, fact is whether people expect it or not gambles like the Wii are the only way to break the hold of the mainstream, the GC was even ultra cheap at launch as well trying to do what the person he's replying to is suggesting.

Goodnightmoon said:
bunchanumbers said:

I saw a tablet on sale for $40 the other day. It can't be all that bad.

So? My mother bought one of those recently, appart from the fact that gaming on that thing is awful, is not even remotely close to Ps Vita levels, let alone WiiU or NX.

neither it cost 299,00

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
Goodnightmoon said:

So? My mother bought one of those recently, appart from the fact that gaming on that thing is awful, is not even remotely close to Ps Vita levels, let alone WiiU or NX.

neither it cost 299,00


Please be more powerfull than this rumours




Zekkyou said:
Mnementh said:

Well, finally Nintendo will go 3rd-party and produce games exclusively for mobile devices...

If they arrive at the point that they no longer consider making consoles sustainable, then going 3rd party would be a logical alternative. We're a pretty long way off serious discussion about that though :p The NX hasn't even been revealed yet, let alone failed. 

Whether it'll profit or not will probably determine if it's a success or not, like the GameCube and N64. Nintendo are hoping to be back to Wii/DS-like profits And said they'll not sell at a loss with NX. We'll find out once they officially reveal it and see it in practice.