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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. October bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Ryng_Tolu said:
Red Dead Redemption is insane. For real, only with the news of Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer release tomorrow is already so high on Amazon.

Got me curious as well. Should I play red dead revolver before getting red dead redemption? pretty doubtfull Ill get to play both fully before FFXV comes out.

Edit: woops, thought it would also be on gen 7.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

Around the Network

11 hours since last update:

#17 PSVR Headset (up 2)
#28 PS4 Pro (same)*
#38 PSVR Launch Bundle (down 3)
#59 PS4 Fool's Edition (up 2)
#60 PS4s UC4 Bundle (down 3)
#65 XB1 Battlefield Bundle (down 7)
#69 PS4 UC4 Bundle (up 2)
#90 XB1s-1tb Madden Bundle (down 4)

Does not affect this month (*)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#04 3DS Pokemon Moon (same)
#05 3DS Pokemon Sun (same)
#35 PS4 World Of Final Fantasy (up 2)

PS4: 4 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10
XB1: 2 in the top 100 / 0 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10


The PS5 Exists. 

GribbleGrunger said:

11 hours since last update:

#17 PSVR Headset (up 2)
#28 PS4 Pro (same)*
#38 PSVR Launch Bundle (down 3)
#59 PS4 Fool's Edition (up 2)
#60 PS4s UC4 Bundle (down 3)
#65 XB1 Battlefield Bundle (down 7)
#69 PS4 UC4 Bundle (up 2)
#90 XB1s-1tb Madden Bundle (down 4)

Does not affect this month (*)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#04 3DS Pokemon Moon (same)
#05 3DS Pokemon Sun (same)
#35 PS4 World Of Final Fantasy (up 2)

PS4: 4 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10
XB1: 2 in the top 100 / 0 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10

Battlefield 1's bundle is too low on Amazon. I think that, because of the number of big launchs in the next 3 months, it will be hard for Hardwares to rank higher

Ryng_Tolu said:
Red Dead Redemption is insane. For real, only with the news of Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer release tomorrow is already so high on Amazon.

I find the world of Read Dead Redemption more interesting, personal opnion, than GTA's world. 

I'm happy that Rockstar didn't gave up on Read Dead Redemption. The first game sold less than 2 millions  in a time when every single GTA game sold 10-15+ millions. Other companies would not bother to make another game.

For some reason, I thought the Battlefield bundle will release on the 21st, but apparently it came out yesterday, lol. The fact that it is already out, but is struggling to outperform the PS4 slim bundle consistently is interesting. I said on Vizioneck that if the XB1 wins October, it would be because of the Battlefield bundles not Gears. Right now, I'm not so sure.

Around the Network


Aura7541 said:
For some reason, I thought the Battlefield bundle will release on the 21st, but apparently it came out yesterday, lol. The fact that it is already out, but is struggling to outperform the PS4 slim bundle consistently is interesting. I said on Vizioneck that if the XB1 wins October, it would be because of the Battlefield bundles not Gears. Right now, I'm not so sure.

Slow your roll grasshopper.. keep in mind Amazon is a small piece of the pie. That bundle seems to be doing well at gamestop and bestbuy from what i have seen... and you are right, i don't think it would be because of the battlefield bundle alone but more a mixture of past xbox ones and halo bundle... that's only IF MS manage to win October of course.

Praise the One.

SweetTalia said:
Aura7541 said:
For some reason, I thought the Battlefield bundle will release on the 21st, but apparently it came out yesterday, lol. The fact that it is already out, but is struggling to outperform the PS4 slim bundle consistently is interesting. I said on Vizioneck that if the XB1 wins October, it would be because of the Battlefield bundles not Gears. Right now, I'm not so sure.

Slow your roll grasshopper.. keep in mind Amazon is a small piece of the pie. That bundle seems to be doing well at gamestop and bestbuy from what i have seen... and you are right, i don't think it would be because of the battlefield bundle alone but more a mixture of past xbox ones and halo bundle... that's only IF MS manage to win October of course.

Problem is that online sales from Best Buy and Gamestop make up a tiny portion of the overall sales, as well. In fact, these pieces are smaller than Amazon. This is something I learned from NPD George (aka NDP Mulcair) prior to his undeserved permaban on GAF. Of course, the Halo bundle is missing on Amazon for some odd reason, so the entire picture is blurry.

Aura7541 said:
SweetTalia said:

Slow your roll grasshopper.. keep in mind Amazon is a small piece of the pie. That bundle seems to be doing well at gamestop and bestbuy from what i have seen... and you are right, i don't think it would be because of the battlefield bundle alone but more a mixture of past xbox ones and halo bundle... that's only IF MS manage to win October of course.

Problem is that online sales from Best Buy and Gamestop make up a tiny portion of the overall sales, as well. In fact, these pieces are smaller than Amazon. This is something I learned from NPD George (aka NDP Mulcair) prior to his undeserved permaban on GAF. Of course, the Halo bundle is missing on Amazon for some odd reason, so the entire picture is blurry.

got you. make sense.. .. and npd george lol. good times.

Praise the One.

Aura7541 said:

Problem is that online sales from Best Buy and Gamestop make up a tiny portion of the overall sales, as well. In fact, these pieces are smaller than Amazon. This is something I learned from NPD George (aka NDP Mulcair) prior to his undeserved permaban on GAF. Of course, the Halo bundle is missing on Amazon for some odd reason, so the entire picture is blurry.

Yep, it's very problematic at the moment. I have to say though, if MS continue this route of distribution, Amazon is never going to be able to predict the winner as convincingly as it has done in the past.


The PS5 Exists. 

Battlefield 1 stats shows a stronger Xbox One usage compared to 4 and Hardline.

I think it is hard to belive it´s not moving consoles.