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Forums - Sony Discussion - Holiday '16 Hardware Priorities

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What are you getting (or your most important get) holiday '16?

New TV / monitor 3 3.19%
PS4 Pro 33 35.11%
PSVR 9 9.57%
I don't know! 6 6.38%
Nothing listed here. 23 24.47%
I'm not making a big purchase this year. 20 21.28%

So...I'm currently at a strange juncture, where multiple bits of tech have cropped up (or are cropping up) in short order, and I'm not sure what to go for first. I doubt I'm alone in this, hence the topic.

* HDR has convinced me to upgrade my TV. Considering vanilla PS4 can use it, instant gratification.
* But there's a bigger, badder PS4 on the way. But...will it even be worth it with a standard (no HDR) 1080p monitor?
* Oh, and then there's PSVR, which looks awesome. I just don't know if the games will be worth that investment; if Bethesda would patch the PS4 Skyrim port so it can be played entirely with the PSVR headset on, there'd be no qualms whatsoever.

What are your plans, if any? PS4P seems like the cheapest option (since you can trade in your current system for it), but the benefits don't seem to really be there without a nice TV.

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If i get anything, it'll be PSVR. I have the launch bundle on pre-order, but it doesn't mean that i'll end up keeping the pre-order. I'm not getting a new TV until my 3D smart tv, dies. As for a PS4, I never get a newer version of the console, until about 5 years into the gen.

Likely: 4K Television
Maybe: VR (I really want to experience it first)

Anything else is a long shot.

PC! It's just so goddamn expensive xD

Priority list in order of significance.

1: Ps4 Pro
2. Psvr
3. 4k TV

I'll definitely get 1 this year. Maybe even 2.

But 3 will likely be holiday 2017.

Around the Network

Priorities in gaming nowadays:

- Graphics
- Frames per second
- Resolution
- 4K player

Bandorr said:
If my TV dies.. or I see a really good TV - then a TV.

If I get a TV - a ps4p. Not because you need a TV for the Ps4P; but because If I am going crazy I may as well go completely crazy.

I like that


OT: I'll be buying a PS4 Pro as my brother in law wants to buy my PS4 OG. I already have a 4K TV with HDR support so nothing else this year.

From what I've tried, PSVR seems really interesting so hopefully one of my friends will buy one. Eventually I'll probably buy one myself (not in 2016 though and I still hope for PC support).

Culipechi said:
Priorities in gaming nowadays:

- Graphics
- Frames per second
- Resolution
- 4K player

I'm not one to dwell on hardware; if just one of these things came out this year - HDR compatibility for PS4, PS4P, or PSVR - I wouldn't have even bothered to make this topic. There's too much costly stuff dropping at once to keep up with. Next winter/spring the same will happen with software, thanks to everything being delayed.

No new hardware for me, unless I can get a PS3/Vita for really cheap

Still waiting for a lot of games to go on sale so that is my priority

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PSVR first, new experience. Then Maybe ps4p if it makes a significant difference for psvr.
No 4K yet for me, getting used to 4K will only make the low res of VR look worse. Besides the HDR format/spec battle is far from over.

If I can't get my hands on PSVR (still can't pre-order here), XBox One S with FH2 and FH3.