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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. September bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Mike_L said:
latinlover6 said:
That more powerful and teraflop argument does not apply to the slim ps4 anymore. If consumer care about performance the will go for the ps4 pro obviously. 1.4tf vs 1.8, when the latter one does not have 4k and true hdr is no big advantage.

Also the xbox one s does come with a game bundled, the slim and pro not (yet)
The original ps4 including bo3 or uncharted 4 for 299 is the better deal if you want a ps4 and can't / don't want to afford the 100 extra

You were talking about holiday sales and I'm pretty sure there will be PS4 Pro and PS4 Slim bundles with games during the holidays.

But I respect your opinion and hope that you'll stick around in this thread so we can discuss why things did or didn't pan out the way we thought during the next 3 months.


They're already here.

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GribbleGrunger said:
Ryng_Tolu said:


I am absolutely convinced that Sony are cementing their dominance in Europe while MS are concentrating entirely on the US. Once that's achieved, Sony will start in on the US.

3 CoD bundles might be a bit much  :p

But imagine if they have the Infinite Warfare + Modern Warfare Remastered bundle in the US for $300. Sales would be absolutely insane.

poklane said:

3 CoD bundles might be a bit much  :p

But imagine if they have the Infinite Warfare + Modern Warfare Remastered bundle in the US for $300. Sales would be absolutely insane.

They'll have something similar but how many times this gen have we seen a 1tb bundle for Europe and a 500gb bundle for the US? Too many times for it to just be an arbitrary decision. Sony have MS on the back foot and are pushing them into a one territory situation by making damned sure they don't stand a chance in Europe. Once they've fully achieved that they'll start offering these better deals in the US as standard as they are now in Europe.


The PS5 Exists. 

This bundle is gonna kill it..

299$ price for holidays for this Slim bundle with CoD - Infinite warfare + modern warfare.

The ps4 taking over amazon Japan!!!!

#1 ps4 pro
#2 ps4 500gb slim
#3 Persona 5 PS4 bundle
#4 Persona 5
#7 ps4 1TB slim

I'm surprised the neo is the #1 in Japan. I wouldn't have expected them to care as much there. Maybe it'll have big week 1 sales and slow down after that while the slim takes over in the long run.

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JRPGfan said:

This bundle is gonna kill it..

299$ price for holidays for this Slim bundle with CoD - Infinite warfare + modern warfare.

Thinking about it, I doubt it's $299 unless for the US they shrink it down to 500GB. They also have a 1TB + Infinite Warfare (no MWR) bundle, I'd assume that that one is $299 and the other 2 bundles which both include MWR are around $319. Hopefully we'll get an announcement soon.

poklane said:
JRPGfan said:

This bundle is gonna kill it..

299$ price for holidays for this Slim bundle with CoD - Infinite warfare + modern warfare.

Thinking about it, I doubt it's $299 unless for the US they shrink it down to 500GB. They also have a 1TB + Infinite Warfare (no MWR) bundle, I'd assume that that one is $299 and the other 2 bundles which both include MWR are around $319. Hopefully we'll get an announcement soon.

Oh yeah.... the 1TB part... your right this will probably go for more than 299$.

Unless they decide to lower the 500gb ones down to 249$ :P  (temp price drop for holidays)

JRPGfan said:

This bundle is gonna kill it..

299$ price for holidays for this Slim bundle with CoD - Infinite warfare + modern warfare.

O. M.G! (@_@)

Im just speculateing on price, but Im assumeing the Slim gets a temp price cut on black friday, ect.
Down to 249$, and the 1tb models that usually go for over 299$ will instead be 299$ (its the holidays sales).

JRPGfan said:
Im just speculateing on price, but Im assumeing the Slim gets a temp price cut on black friday, ect.
Down to 249$, and the 1tb models that usually go for over 299$ will instead be 299$ (its the holidays sales).

You're obsessed with throwing Sony profits away!!!! lol


The PS5 Exists.