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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

Good man. Did you have any luck with your wi-fi problems chrono.


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Great game tonight Kas both on different teams, but both always in the top 3.

A good game by the vgchartz leaguers. Jump in ppl when ever u see me online. It is hell in the expert games. Any help welcome.


Those were some intense moments in those games Dawve (damn you and your tank switching tactics, lol).

I wont be making this saturdays game, I need to help my moms boyfriend move out old furniture at his house. I shoulda kept my mouth shut and not ask if he needed any help, lol. :P


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

Saw you in that game earlier today Dawve. I would have stayed on longer but had been playing Gallian / Valkyria Chronicles (or whatever it is called in English) all morning and only jumped on Warhawk because I noticed a couple of people from my clan were online.

Also saw you kill me a couple of times Still, I don't mind as I came top of my team and also got over 100 points for the first time ever..

On a general note, I won't be participating in the VG Chartz session this weekend, but have a good time folks.

PSN - hanafuda

Hanafuda you were playing like a man possessed last night and racking up some huge scores. You also ran me over 4 times in a row.


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I'll try to make it. I get off work around 4pm, so it is possible.


I may be 10 minutes late tonight folks. I will be in so dont go having all the fun without me.


Shoot, just 4 confirmed, and one will be a little late.

Hopefully others make it. First hour and a half will be standard maps, last hour, map packs.
Max. 10 minutes to game time.

Server: vgchart1
Password: league

good game tonight guys and thanks for hosting dogs.

mirson you were on fire tonight. great game godofwine and wenlan. you both should play as often as you can.

it aint fair my 1 tank against both dogs and godofwine. i went 10 minutes in the team deathmatch without scoring a point. i did catch up a bit by the end.

there was some crazy moments out there. once again great game guys it was a blast. page 19 people.


Yes good game. Thanks to the regulars, thanks to the occasionals, hope you come back. To the missing regulars, we missed you. :)

I put the servers public (without a password) it worked out well, filled the gaps, without getting too many douchebags (except for a guy I had to kick for multiple teamkills), Maybe we promoted vgchartz at the same time.