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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

I know what you mean Kasillas BM is a great map. I think I will have to jump into a game later tonight.


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I feel like an ass for missing it AGAIN >

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

We will playing on saturday chrono. Hope you can make it.


So are any of our regulars planning to play in the COD4 league.

Even though they are on different days will this lead to some of our players not playing on the saturday. I hope not but people only have so much free time for games.


Not I. If I did it would be under an alt PSN account, since my clan knows that I dislike COD. They would wonder where my loyalties lie if I played it with leaguers, but not with them.

Also, I like having at least one day on the weekend that is completely schedule free. I sometimes feel like I have to rush to get my leisure in to make sure I'm back in time for the League. Not really a feeling I like, but the game makes it worthwhile.

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Instead of rushing your leisure time. Is there no one else able to host when you would like some more time on a saturday.

Our games are great fun but you should not put yourself out for us.


Well, the fact that it was supposed to be bi-weekly was supposed to take care of that. ;) But the league had such a nice spirit that enough people wanted to play every week.

I would love an occasional alternative host, just to allow myself to be 10-15 minutes late. Even starting a little later would be cool, like 6PM to 8:30PM, but I don't know what that would do for European participation.

Don't get me wrong though, I love the league. :)

I would still be able to play if the time got pushed back when you wanted it to.

Not sure what state I would be in but I would be there.


Im not playing in the CoD4 league UNLESS they have trouble getting regular members, then Id jump in to help fill up the game. But honestly I got sick of CoD4, great game and all but the online got repetitive after awhile.

If you ever want to take a week off or a week off of hosting we can always just jump into an empty official server.


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

Good idea Kas, we could get 1 person to pick a room the rest can follow. I think most of us are linked together by the PSN friends list. So we should all be able to find the room. EDIT: Dogs maybe you should just host on the official weeks and let us use an empty server for the rest. Then you could have all the time you need. I dont like the thought we are preventing you doing somthing you want to do.