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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

The broken mirror 2v2 zones match was a blast. skip v slums in the air. Dogs against myself on the ground. For only 4 players the fighting was quite brutal.


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Also thanks Leo-j for dropping by!!!


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

Leo who? I dont know any 1 of that name. Is he a new player.


Leo-j dropped by? Ha, that's awesome. Sorry I couldn't be there. I upgraded my HDD and had to redownload the Omega Pack and install it. I will purchase Broken Mirror next week, and it'll be ready for next week's game.

It will be good to have you back Mirson. I tried using mines in your absence but it wasn't the same.

Now if only we would here from flow who has been gone to long. You are missed mate. Hope to see you again soon.


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I sent Flow a PM on the 23rd asking him what's up and to check in to the thread to let everyone know what he's up to in one quick post.

He must not have been on since, because he has yet to open his mail.

He is missed.

@ Dogs and Dawve

Well, I'm no expert in the Warhawk either, but with a good bit of organisation then getting someone to fly as bait focusing as defense, then having another person from your team to cover you and blow the enemy off your tail can be a great strategy.

Next time I'll try and put my headset on. This morning the wife was asleep in the room adjacent so it was a headphones and no headset session for me

Shame there were only a few players, or maybe it was because I came on later compared to you guys. Is making it password free (to get the player numbers up) not an option?

PSN - hanafuda


Well, I guess I was bait. :)

We were only 7 participants today and the most we had on was 5 at one time. So it was not the timeframe of your arrrival.

The password is a necessity in the regular games since we usually attract 10 people per week out of a possible 12 that I can host. The problem is not for the people who show up at 4pm EDT, but for you and FInalSquall who show up at a point where there is no doubt the server would be full of outsiders. Although I did just get the idea that in a worse case scenario, a player who did not have a slot available could PM me to boot any outsiders.

Maybe it would be a possibility to open the floodgates to outsiders on days where we plan on using the map packs exclusively.

I'm always open to suggestions to make the league a more enjoyable experience week in, week out for our participants. :)

I dont mind hosting from Japan. I can always host 24 player games.

In fact, I could set up a dedicated 24p ranking server and leave it running overnight for you folks. Then when I wake up someone else can host.

PSN - hanafuda

i was all ready to play today then you guys were playing the map packs so i just waited but i eventually got bored and left. i need to have a longer attention span