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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

My rules for enjoying the warhawk league.

1. Enjoy dying. (it does not hurt and everyone will get a quality kill which they will enjoy.)

2. If you find yourself dying because of mines do not read who killed you. There is a 95% chance it will say Mirson. (during last weeks deathmatch I spent 2 minutes gathering weapons and getting into position to rack up multiple kills. only to see my body fly over a bridge after setting of one of those mines.)

3. If you see both slums and skip have been selected on the same team prepare for hell. You will not believe how badly a team can get pinned down. (Use plenty of anti air and enjoy any kill you get against them there is no shame in being killed by those better than yourself.)

4. Watch others you can learn a lot.

5. Dogs_Rule and Dawve24 will post way to much in the league thread. (it is only because we (and many others) care about the league. we both have lives honest.)

6. Give the league a try if you like warhawk there truly is a place for all skill levels.


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7. After a certain times on a friday night ignore anything posted by Dawve24. Beer night is probably not the best night to make up rules lists.


In my case, rule # 5 only applies if by lives you mean videogames that are not Warhawk. And I like to think that we post just the right amount.

From your comments I take it that Omega Dawn should be avoided for CTF? How is it for Zones or something? I'm going into the new maps blind, so I really need advice as to how to set them up. Thanks.



I just dont like omega dawn that much. It maybe as others have stated good for dogfights. On the ground it does not seem to channel fighters together as well as other maps. I have only rarely been involved in good ground battles on this level. Everyone just seems to be to spread out.


Look like fun. Maybe there is a subsection of the map that could work well say for deathmatch, possibly a Warhawk prohibited deathmatch?

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@dogs looking at the map it does look fun. maybe I gave up on it to quickly. I will retry tomorrow.


10 minutes to game time (give or take)

password: league

Will feature map packs. Come back after the match if you don't have that map.

Well, I got raped pretty severely by Skip on that Omega Dawn Team Dogfight. Sorry Badger, I wasnt much assistance during that match. :P EDIT: During my little intermission I purchased Broken Mirror. Yay for me!


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

Thats great news, Kas. :) I guess you didn't get to play it. Had I known you were going to do it, I would have done a better mix of maps. Hopefully, Mirson follows your lead in purchasing it.

Good game guys. We'll have to work out a system to have a few more players on map pack days. Maybe join public servers.

Thanks for coming Mystery guest, you're always welcome!

Welcome to the league Hanafuda. EDIT: I will be getting rid of team dogfight, unless there is an outcry. It is just not fair for my team to have to bear my K/D ratio in a warhawk.

Thanks for hosting again dogs.

Good game tonight guys although we were short of people. Omega dawn has some great DM levels. The one shaped like a star was brutal. That level with a full game would be chaos.