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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

broken mirror is great.  The apc completly changes the battlefield. Anywhere from 2-6 mobile spawn points, ramming ability, and shield albility.  With a good driver you can be badgerfan tow missile immune.  Its nicely balanced in that the apc has no physical guns and rams things to attack.  Up to 6 or 8 (can't quite remember) of your team mates can pop out the top and use whatever weapon they have.  The map is huge and in my opinion is really a great map for ground vehicle battles.  I am not a fan of flying in the broken mirror map.


Omega dawn is okay.  Its the second greatest map for flying in my opinion, and is a competent map for vehicle battles.  The map lacks in the troop to troop battle segment.  The dropship is a good concept but was poorly executed.  The dropship which has the most health out of any vehicle in the game can be completly healed from one health pickup (a negative in my eyes) wherein it takes two to heal a warhawk completly.  The main issue with the dropship is that it can carry the flag carrier in a vehicle.

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Broken Mirror is probably the best map in the game. The largest map setting leads to some epic battles around the small centre village. Although there is large open spaces which flyers can use to wipe out ground forces. The amount of tanks and jeeps that can be found have seen me involved in some huge mechanised battles both in the village and on the glaciers which lead to it.

As for the APC it makes a huge difference to CTF games. If it gets into your base and the other team starts to use it as a spawn point you can be swamped very quickly. Unless your team reacts fast and rush back to defend the flag. The shield the APC deploys can also be decisive. Just recently I was in a convoy of five tanks slowly capturing all the bases 1 by 1. That was until we saw an APC in the distance. The shield was deployed and before we could get anywhere near the shield. Two men with rpgs and a jeep machine gun had obliterated us.


Dogs Rule said:
The league is an excellent place to learn the game in a friendly atmosphere. We have people that are very good that you can learn from and other that won't make you look too bad. :) Want me to add you to the roster? Our next game is Saturday. All information is in the first post of the thread.

Yeah add me there,  I won't play this weekend y'all play with headsets? If so I'd probably have to set mine up.....


There you go, added to the roster.

Some of us play with headsets, some don't. It's up to the player.

Hope to see you when you can play.

We are still gathering participants thats good news. We have a group of super regulars, a few who are quite regular, others who appear from time to time and people who want to play but have not found the time yet. The league is looking pretty healthy.


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That is true, but I would like to convert some of the "I'm on the roster, but I haven't participated" people at least into "yeah, I participated once. It was ok, I guess. Maybe I'll give it another shot some day" people. ;)

Of course they don't realise the fun we have until they become regulars and how nice this thread is. What would my and your post count be without this thread, Dawve? At least half as low. ;)

Dogs Rule said:
... "yeah, I participated once. It was ok, I guess. Maybe I'll give it another shot some day" people. ;)



All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

@dogs I realised this the other day. I read everyone arguing in other threads and do not wan't to get involved. Still if it keeps the league on the hot topics page I will continue to post whatever I have to say.

As to your other point I was talking to PDF the other day who is on the roster. He still wants to play and I now have him on my reminder list.


Yeah, I sent PDF a special PSN reminder last night as part of my contact the non-regulars who have map packs blitz. There are quite a few of them, and it is an excellent opportunity to get their money's worth out of the maps.

About the thread: back when there was talk of user created groups, I was a little bit worried that, if implemented, we would be forced to create a group so that we quit popping up on the hot topics. I'm glad they didn't since the hot topics is a huge part of our visibility (along with the sticky and the signatures). I would love the ability to send out reminders through PM's though just by clicking a group of recipients.

I was only joking about the post count, BTW. :)

EDIT: Page 17!!!

Hey dogs this is half my post count and worth every letter.