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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

I've now had the game for 2 days...

Once I realized the aim will follow the guy you are shooting, without user (me) interference, it got a little easier...but I am the SLOWEST knife puller ever....and a miserable pilot....




PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)

Around the Network

@yubitme it does get easier you even get the odd kill against the really good guys. @godofwine i cant fly either i enjoy fighting on the ground.


thanks for hosting dogs.

dogs I am sure i heard u cheering when you shot me down in the dogfight.


good game everyone.

Thanks once again for hosting dogsrule


@dogsrule: whenever the mic symbol and your name popped up on the screen in all but the first couple games all I heard was silence.  I could hear everyone except for you.

I couldnt hear dogs after the dogfight.

good game folks.


Around the Network

Good game. Sorry I had to shut it down 1/2 way through. I simply had to get that awful archipelos TDM match out of the line-up. The game is currently over early because only 2 other people made it back for a non-negligeable amount of time. ;)

Thanks for playing guys. GodOfWine, do you want to be added to the roster?

Suggested guidelines for hosting 24 player games:

Minimum players: 2
Spawn: 5 seconds

Use Wrench: yes
Enable Talk: yes
Team Switch: Yes
Allow split screen: yes
Balance Teams: yes
Friendly fire: I like 50% or less. It's a forgiving balance between having consequences to your actions and too many accidental kills.

Map Rotation(without map pack):
1. Death Match: Eucadia, Island Outpost or Badlands. Use the suggested number of players to select the proper map delimitation)
2. Zones: Same selection as DM;
3. CTF: If you are more than 16, all full sized maps are good;
4. Dogfight: any really, but I like to use Archipelos to get it out of the way;
5. Team Death Match: All, but be careful with Archipelos to select a large map to make sure one team does not get stranded on an island.

For a 12 player game, use the same guidelines, except using the smaller map delimitations with the following exeptions:
1. DM: same maps using at most half the available space;
2. Zones: Same maps, but make sure the delimitation has at least 2 zone flags. (Suggested map sizes of 16-20);
3. CTF: Same maps, at most half size.
4. Dogfight: Same;
5. TDM: avoid Archipelos.

Yep 1 team sure got stranded on 1 island on the archipelago TDM. hanafuda showed up just after we finished.


I was logged in by about 7:15am, but there was no server

I'd love to join in, but getting up before 7:00am on a Sunday isn't really something I'm prepared to do.

PSN - hanafuda

maybe every few weeks we can have a later start for hanafuda, finalsquall etc who have to get up really early to play.


Not a bad idea, Dawve. We try to be as accomodating as possible. Of course we will need confrimations from people for the schedule to change. The only reason we were not on then was because only 3 of us came back after I changed some serving settings. Usually when someone gets on really late, at least a few of us will extend our gameplay so that the latecommer gets one full game with us.