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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

Are we having an unofficial game this saturday folks.


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I have leo on the psn, Im still going to be sending him reminders for our warhawk games.


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

I don't see why not as long as we have enough confimations. :)

@dogs Ok I will be there and send out reminders to those on my list.


I'll probably be up for Saturday, although bear in mind I'm in Japan.

PSN - hanafuda

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So Sunday morning for you Hanafuda. FinalSquall (Australia) does it. (Though he tends to oversleep a little, but we accomodate him by playing at least one full game with him.

RocketPig said he would make it.

I sent a reminder to leo-j last week, but he was probably too busy playing GTA IV. Well since I finished my finals already, yeah I can join as well. :)

I'll most likely be there this Saturday.


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

I'll be there. Count me in.


It would appear we have about 7 confirmed for tomorrow, before any reminder is sent out. Game on!