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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

Ok, I'll DEFINITELY be on today. Sorry guys...didn't know that many friends had birthdays in pretty much every Saturday :P But I'm free today

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus

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12 minutes to game time. Bloodlinez, I'll get you a rotation in a few days, I don't think we'll need a bigger host today.

great game everyone.

Thanks for hosting dogsrule. 

good game everybody. I thought we would lose a few people this time because of GTA IV.

Thanks for hosting dogs.


You're welcome, guys. Thanks for showing up.
I tried changing up the maps a bit but found somethings did not work the way I though. (Mostly the TDM, I thought the map would involve us fighting for the center Island instead of that smaller island.

Around the Network

I enjoyed the TDM some of the fighting to control that small island was fierce. I also enjoyed the CTF game. I think the more times we play it the more people are finding a role they like to play. Not every1 is constantly going for the flag. People are defending the flag leaving others 2 attack.


Wat? Game is over? Rofl

And i was here waiting the typical "game is up, server x password y" post :P

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

I wondered where u were flow your a regular who plays most weeks. We started the game at the normal time sorry u missed it.


Well, the name and password is always the same, so I didn't put it, Flow. I did post a "12 minutes until the server is up" (7 posts before this one). I was wondering when you would show up. Too bad too, because we would have needed you often to keep the teams even (and because we like you)

Does any1 else want a new map in warhawk that can be used for huge tank battles. An open field with dips and hills,no planes, jeeps,handweapons. Just TDM with 32 tanks.