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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

Dogs Rule said:
Well, the problem was most noticeable in DeathMatch where everyone can hear. When we were split into teams it was considerably less garbled (not muffled from being covered or far away, garbled as in heavily distorted beyond recognition).

I stay out of Warhawks when I have the option. I only added a DogFight option for others to enjoy. I just consider that game mode to be a write-off for me an expect the worst.

I love being in a tank. There is nothing more satisfying than shooting down a Warhawk, especially a moving one, with a single tank shell. :)

You are so right it's not even funny. I am at home in a tank :D In fact I've had many matches where I just decide that no, no matter how hard the getting gets tough, I am NOT hopping in a tank >_E I don't need it... honestly... I can .. play... without them.... (it never lasts long ;-; I need my fix). Hell just blowing up ANYTHING in a tank is entirely too satisfying, but you are especially right about killing a warhawk :D I like the warhawks, I REALLY like pro-flight, but I can't use it very often :( I'm usually a flag runner and I need MASSIVE evasion. If I was a defender though, man I'd love it oodles :D.

So could you hear me ok when it wasn't a death match? Or was it still entirely too jacked up?

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Dogs Rule said:
Well, the problem was most noticeable in DeathMatch where everyone can hear. When we were split into teams it was considerably less garbled (not muffled from being covered or far away, garbled as in heavily distorted beyond recognition).

I stay out of Warhawks when I have the option. I only added a DogFight option for others to enjoy. I just consider that game mode to be a write-off for me an expect the worst.

I love being in a tank. There is nothing more satisfying than shooting down a Warhawk, especially a moving one, with a single tank shell. :)

I wonder who you are talking about.


From what little I got to see of you Badger, your one hell of a defender :P Your kills were massive! I'm not very good with the up-front kills, but I can be pretty cunning when it comes to base caps, mine defense, flag running, etc etc. But as far as death match goes, I'll try to stay the hell away from you :D

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Outside of a deathmatch I could understand you occasionally, which was a net improvement over not being sure wether you were speaking a human language during deathmatch. ;)

The thought of your clansmen will disturb my sleep. ;) (And yes, you are very good in my book.)


G'night Dogs :) I'm sure I'll see you sometime in the near future ^_^

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Goodnight. See you soon.


Good first hour! My car broke down on me and I was stuck at my brothers house. I got to play for the first hour under his name. His stupid wife started bitching so I had to turn the game off. By the time I made it home it was a little too late.

This really sucked because I bought a Dualshock 3 for the event.

If anybody is hesitant about getting the Dualshock I highly suggest it because it is pretty sweet.


I also find this game harsh at times ckmlb, but I do enjoy it. The groundfights with the usual suspects flow, dogs etc are great fun. I dont think people use the rocket turrets enough against the flyers. Jump in get a couple of shots of and get out before the missle rain begins. Then get lost in a groundfight until u get another chance to take a few potshots at the flyboys.


I would like one match, (10 minutes) to be a Dogfight, TDM or DM. That would be fun.


I thought our Zone's match was a blast ^_^ I really like the team play stuff :) Maybe next time I'll be a little more team oriented though :x

@Dav, doing that can actually win matches for you and your team xD I've shot down so many random flying defenders doing that, and if were getting massively overrun because of the enemies ownership of the skies, I yell and bitch at all my team mates to grab some damn anti-air :D

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