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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

Sorry for my disappointing performance tonight, i don't know wtf was wrong with me.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

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as far as the maps go I think zones should be one size bigger.

Dogs Rule said:
Thanks to Kasillas88 for posting my message on here that I was launcing the server. I'm sorry your couldn't make it.

Thanks to all those that showed up. Damn you are good!. Please leave a comment on the maps and game modes. DO people like ZONE? I find its good to start with a Deathmatch so people can have fair fun until enough people show up to make decent teams. What do you think?
Anyone experiencing lag (especially Dawve from the UK and Flow from Brazil) You seemed normal on my end, but I want to know if all was normal for you.

*Sorry for dying so much in that team death match, ameratsu. If not for me, you could have taken them easily.
@Dawve You're mic a very garbled. Most of the time, I can't understand what you're saying. I did hear the beginning of the jungle song though. :)

No lag, only a sudden unexplainable lack of skill from my part...

About the deathmatch, it's the best game mode available, waiting for people or not, we should have them regularly :)

Best map for it IMO is fortress, in badlands.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

@dogs sorry about the mic i thought it was unplugged was trying to watch tv at the same time as playing. absolutley no lag at my end.

good game every1 and thanks for showing me how much practice i need.

looking forward 2 playing u all next week.


@skip Good point. I'll kick it up a size that way you have to sacrifice defence of one in order to take over another location instead of all of us trying to take over the same spot.

Good to hear about the lack of lag. Your talent will come back. I'll give the Fortress a try for DM. EDIT @ Dawve Good to hear about the lack of lag for you too. :) No problem about the mic. Next week I hope a good bit of people show up for the official 3rd Saturday of the week game. :) Please confirm your presence (the closer to the date the better, since it bumps the thread :) )

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i thought zones was good it brought every1 to the same base which switched sides many times.


So I tried playing this again to practice before playing you guys but I got savagely raped most of the time...

The people who've been playing this game often make the learning curve very steep. Are there any more games today?

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

yeah the learning curve was steep but i learned quite alot and slowly started to get more kills toward the end.


That was fun. The Zones game was very close. The small maps are great for the most part.


I have to say that I had a great time myself. Great game everybody!

I have not had that much fun getting owned in a while. The last game was absolute madness! I got many laughs out of it. I am looking forward to more games.