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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

I want to enter.

SSBB: 1977-0005-2980 (JOEY) MKWii: 4382-2877-5902 (Joeykanga)
Wii:4027-0084-9432-1532             PM me if you add me.
Tag courtesy of fkusumot: Joeykanga - "Just post something once, don't ruin the thread"
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We are currently working on the idea of having a reminder chain by which each of us would try to have 4 or 5 people from the league on our PSN friends list.

Example: I send a reminder on the first and third Friday of the month to my 5 PSN friends, who in turn do it to theirs and so on. That way we each get speedy reminders without one of us having to dedicate his/her whole friends list to the league.

So I ask that we each add 4 or 5 people from the list. (ask their permission first to see if they have their quota full (I do and so does MakingMusic, I think) ) If after a week, you are still looking to fill your quota, PM me, and we'll try to work things out.

Wow, I just looked at the first post and so far we have 32 peeps. If we all showed up we can take over an official server!


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

I now have at least six other guys from the league on my friends list. :)

kasillas88 said:
Wow, I just looked at the first post and so far we have 32 peeps. If we all showed up we can take over an official server!

I know, its been a lot of work organizing this. Unfortunately, my client base (and revenue) from my law practice is practically non-existent, so I have a lot of time on my hands to do this while sitting at my office. At least something productive has come out of it.

@ MakingMusic

I knew you were doing your part on the friends list. Thanks. :)


Map pack now accounted for.:)

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thanks again for all you hard work dogs, sorry to add to it but i now have the omega dawn map as well.

i have three of the players on my friends list and will get a few others before the next game


Count me in. I Joined the server at about 7:00 on Saturday and nobody was there. Would have been there earlier but complications. I am down and ready for next time.
Have a mic and should be getting omega dawn soon. Sign me up!


^ Dogs Rule put all the info you'll need on the first page, next scheduled match is on April 19th 1pm Pacific 4pm Eastern, check up on this page regularly for when we schedule unofficial games together. Glad to have more people on board =)


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

I have a question, how do you connect the headset to the PS3?

Yeah, I consider myself pretty good on ground, but terrible on a warhawk. My time zone is CDT.

Heres a vid I found for the Warhawk mic =)


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->