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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. June bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Swordmasterman said:

I still think that depending on the results of the next Weeks  and of the Next 2 months the PS4's price cut will be a necessity not because of the Xbox Slim (A Slim version  more expensive will not push sales forever), but to make VR  cheaper and because of the NEO.

PSVR is not something Sony expects to sell PS4s, it's something to sell to existing PS4 owners. A price cut is definitely coming but it won't be because of anything MS are doing, it will be because of Sony's roadmap.


The PS5 Exists. 

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Kagari has hinted a few months ago that there will be a FFXV LE PS4 bundle. Sony doesn't really need to worry. They'll just go business as usual in August and push hard on the FFXV marketing for September.

Edit: Here's Kagari's post about it. Apparently, Verendus actually broke the news first.

Aura7541 said:

Kagari has hinted a few months ago that there will be a FFXV LE PS4 bundle. Sony doesn't really need to worry. They'll just go business as usual in August and push hard on the FFXV marketing for September.

Edit: Here's Kagari's post about it. Apparently, Verendus actually broke the news first.

They also have Watch Dogs 2 and COD which are also likely to get bundles. People seem to worry about things far too quickly.


The PS5 Exists. 

GribbleGrunger said:
Aura7541 said:

Kagari has hinted a few months ago that there will be a FFXV LE PS4 bundle. Sony doesn't really need to worry. They'll just go business as usual in August and push hard on the FFXV marketing for September.

Edit: Here's Kagari's post about it. Apparently, Verendus actually broke the news first.

They also have Watch Dogs 2 and COD which are also likely to get bundles. People seem to worry about things far too quickly.

Bundled with a PS4 slim. Calling it now.

JRPGfan said:
PS4 #33.....

I think Sony needs to do something soon.

Lol, this alarmism is great. Sont didn't react to the Great Pseudo-Temporary Xbox Holiday Pricecut of 2014. And it turned out they didn't need to.


Sony might cut the price with PSVR, either as standalone or bundle (e.g. 700-800 for PS4+ camera,move,VR worlds and headset bunduru), the holiday season or to coincide with the Neo release. If the first two won't happen, the third will. We can look at Sony's IR slides to see that relative to expected PS4 HW sales, revenue isn't going up that much, especially if you consider PSVR money sales and the general increase of software as the active install base increases. In fact those things considered makes me doubt Neo is for this financial year. You'd expect a 399 $/€ Neo this holidays to contribute a lot to revenue (though like the XB1S not as in software sales as OG PS4s are replaced).

(For people that don't know, Sony only expects a 8.3% revenue increase despite expecting a 2.3m increase in PS4 sales (partly offset by the 350 price counting the entire fiscal year this time, rather than just the much bigger half of FY15), the PSVR launch, an increased active install base even without PS4 sales increase, and lastly the general trend of PSN sales/services, which has a much better profit margin than physical game sales.)

Around the Network

Bundled with a PS4 slim. Calling it now.

I wonder if they need a slim to be honest. It's been small from the beginning and even the new XB1 slim is bigger. They could keep the same form factor and simply improve the innards to minimise costs ready for a price drop.


The PS5 Exists. 

5 hours since last update:

#10 XB1s-2tb (same)
#32 PS4 Black Ops III Bundle (same)
#49 N3DSXL Red (up 1)
#57 XB1 Three Game Bundle (up 9)
#89 PS4 Fool's Edition (up 6)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#05 PS4 The Last Guardian (same)
#08 WiiU Zelda: Breath Of Wind (down 1)
#09 PS4 Persona 5 PE (same)
#12 PS4 Horizon: Zero dawn CE (same)
#38 PS4 Star Ocean (down 1)


The PS5 Exists. 

malistix1985 said:
Boskabo said:

Hmm, maybe the current software positions suggests the majority of XB1S sales are replacements...

Someone should've indexed Gamestop trade-in prices from before E3.

Might also be that the Windows10-Xbox cross buy stimulates digital content on the Xbox One

Doubt many people buyign digital on the xbox one would buy there with the intention of playing on pc otherwise they would just play on pc in the first place.

GribbleGrunger said:

Bundled with a PS4 slim. Calling it now.

I wonder if they need a slim to be honest. It's been small from the beginning and even the new XB1 slim is bigger. They could keep the same form factor and simply improve the innards to minimise costs ready for a price drop.

The PS4 is a good size and doesn't really need slimming you're right. 

If they do Slim-it it'll be for a few other factors. Redesigns alway increase sales over a short period but when it steadies back down it prevents yoy decline and you can do this without a pricecut.

The slim will be a more efficient build with cheaper components. More money will be made from each console sold and/or enough room to have a pricecut.

Any special reason for the Xbox One not having any software charting higher in the top 100 ?, those slim consoles come with some game ?.

Their highest ranked Xbox One game is at 35st that is Doom, the next one is at 62-63st that is Overwatch, the highest ranked Exclusive is Recore which is at 79st.

I think that those bundles with multiple games on the Xbox One make people purchase less software when they get their console.