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Forums - Gaming Discussion - which console will be more powerful PS4 Neo or Xboxone 2?


Most powerful console

PS4 Neo 158 43.65%
Xboxone 2 204 56.35%
CosmicSex said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Well if I was MS, take a loss to have a significant performance edge.

I think they should aim for an advantage, but something Phil said at GAME 15 stuck with me.  He said "I need to make the Xbox profitable in order to make sure Xbox sticks arond".  Microsoft has shown us resently that they will not continue to absorb loses just because they can (see their smartphone line).   Be modet and effective with your decision making.  When the Xbox One launched, it costs more than a PS4.   They should try to keep loses to $50 or less because what we see right now is a console cycle that demands new R$D and refreshes much more frequently.  You need to get to profit as soon as possible in this climate.   The second issue is that you don't want to be so much more expensive then Sony that they can price you right out.   We are enteirng a stage where the diminishing returns on performance are falling of a cliff.   A master stroke would be a system that is at parity with the Neo, but allow you to upgrade the console at your own choosing.  A modular console if you will.  Shift the cost of going all out to the consumer in the same vain as PC rig building. 

I'm not saying huge loses, but it needs an advantage over PS4.

Also, I think MS knows Xbox helps push other MS products. Windows is becoming a big part of Xbox, Groove subscriptions, digital market videos and music. Hence. MS is less relevant company without Xbox.

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zero129 said:
Ruler said:

I think it will end up being stronger but not by much as people think as Sony listens to such rumors too and can adjust their final specs. I dont really care if xbox will be stronger because we will have constant console upgrades from now on, next PlayStation can end being stronger and so on

Are you really using this as a plus??.

Wasnt this one of the reasons your so against PC..

I am all for hardware upgrades how you come to this idea? 

think-man said:
If you read the rumours than you'll know the answer

Theres a correct answer for rumors? 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

zero129 said:
Ruler said:

I am all for hardware upgrades how you come to this idea? 

From you with all the times you used "I dont have to upgrade my hardware all the time" as a negitive for PC.

I guess you dont mind now that Sony might be doing it.

Anyway if its a thing that the is a new console pretty much every year i can see a lot of people becoming PC gamers.

I find it odd you think people will stop buying consoles and swap to PC.  

So because consoles might have 2-3 yr iterations that don't break compatibility and are not required someone will ditch them in favor of PC?

I don't follow this logic.  Especially when this is a common thing in other everyday items they use such as phones. 

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  


What if the Neo is Sonys slim this year and they also have another upgrade in the pipes like the MS rumor?

Since it looks like iterations the power difference for either side probably won't matter as much as when this ten started.

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  


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zero129 said:
Ruler said:

I am all for hardware upgrades how you come to this idea? 

From you with all the times you used "I dont have to upgrade my hardware all the time" as a negitive for PC.

I guess you dont mind now that Sony might be doing it.

Anyway if its a thing that the is a new console pretty much every year i can see a lot of people becoming PC gamers.

I don't see the connection..... how does buying a console every 3-4yrs ewuate to people jusy swappimg to PC. I would understnd it if so doing bresks compatibility, or if its a requitement to be allowed to play the new games or even if there are exclusives on the upgraded hardware but none of that applies.

I would even understand it if it were cheaper getting a more powerfully specced PC at whstevrr price you would get a console without having to exolore the used market and deals and promistions to build a pc from scratch, but that too isnt the case.

Certain facts will always hold true, you will not be able to just walk into a store and walk out with a PC that is as powerful and P'n'P as a PS4 for $350 even today. Can you build ome if you are rrading to apply yourself, maybe.... that all gets even harder when we are talkimg about a PS4 and a game or two for $299 during the fall months.....

As long as consoles offer and plug and play jist walk in and buy all in one cheaper solution.... there will always be a market for them. But i fear this is something that will be lost to anyome that has ever built a PC to play games on it. The second you do that, the harder it is to realize that a lot of people dont wamna do it too.

Microsoft's whole strategy is everything that runs windows 10 is an xbox pretty much. They have a software platform which can scale games for the xbox one, xbox scorpio, pc and more without developers writing any code. So it scales up and down regarding resolution, textures, lighting,ect (just like how you can do it for pc gaming in settings). Microsoft will have a huge install base if you think about it when you combine all the platforms.

zero129 said:
Intrinsic said:

I don't see the connection..... how does buying a console every 3-4yrs ewuate to people jusy swappimg to PC. I would understnd it if so doing bresks compatibility, or if its a requitement to be allowed to play the new games or even if there are exclusives on the upgraded hardware but none of that applies.

I would even understand it if it were cheaper getting a more powerfully specced PC at whstevrr price you would get a console without having to exolore the used market and deals and promistions to build a pc from scratch, but that too isnt the case.

Certain facts will always hold true, you will not be able to just walk into a store and walk out with a PC that is as powerful and P'n'P as a PS4 for $350 even today. Can you build ome if you are rrading to apply yourself, maybe.... that all gets even harder when we are talkimg about a PS4 and a game or two for $299 during the fall months.....

As long as consoles offer and plug and play jist walk in and buy all in one cheaper solution.... there will always be a market for them. But i fear this is something that will be lost to anyome that has ever built a PC to play games on it. The second you do that, the harder it is to realize that a lot of people dont wamna do it too.

You fail to see a number of points really.

Why will this ruin console gaming?. Let me explain.

The is people out there who like having the most powerful console on the market. 

The is also people out there who like owning multi systems.

The only benafit consoles had over PC is now gone. Completly gone.

Now consoles are PC's except if your a console gamer over the span of say 10 years you would of spend alot more upgrading your console then you would if you had a PC!.

This is another mistake you make by saying you wouldnt get much more powerful then one of the consoles for the same price.

Yes if your a First time PC buyer clearly it will cost you more for your FIRST PC. However once that investment is over your pretty much good with just upgrading your GPU.

It will be cheaper for someone who already owns a PC now to upgrade to something like a GTX1070 (Even a GTX1080 by the time Neo comes out) for less then it will cost a console owner to upgrade to the Neo.

So as you see. Yes the was a time when console gaming was cheaper however that time is no more.

Refer to my previous post. You will still be able to play games on the xbox one. The xbox one will be an entry level console where as scorpio is more of a premium console. These upgrades will keep continuing every 4 to 5 years.

zero129 said:

You fail to see a number of points really.

Why will this ruin console gaming?. Let me explain.

The is people out there who like having the most powerful console on the market. 

The is also people out there who like owning multi systems.

The only benafit consoles had over PC is now gone. Completly gone.

Now consoles are PC's except if your a console gamer over the span of say 10 years you would of spend alot more upgrading your console then you would if you had a PC!.

This is another mistake you make by saying you wouldnt get much more powerful then one of the consoles for the same price.

Yes if your a First time PC buyer clearly it will cost you more for your FIRST PC. However once that investment is over your pretty much good with just upgrading your GPU.

It will be cheaper for someone who already owns a PC now to upgrade to something like a GTX1070 (Even a GTX1080 by the time Neo comes out) for less then it will cost a console owner to upgrade to the Neo.

So as you see. Yes the was a time when console gaming was cheaper however that time is no more.

When u need to use so many "ifs" and subjective references ti make a point, it usualky means such a point is in utself very subjective.

You talk like everyone want to have the latest and greatest. No they dont, and tjose that do can buy a new console every three years if they want. Thry dont have to though. More so, because the old one does eveeythjng the new ome does, it means it still retains its value and can be sold. Its not like they cant do that too.

And are you saying that upgrading to a $400 GPU every 3/4yrs if you already have invested in building a PC is cheaper thsn buyig a $350 console every 3/4yrs if thsts what you want to do? 

Anyways, not gonna get into the whole pricing argument with you. You are entitled to your opinions. I jist dont agree with you.

But lets try something here. Say i buy a console for $350 around december. Then 2yrs later a more powerful version of my console is released snd i buy that for $350. sell my old console for $200. How and say i do the swme thing every 2/3yrs for a total of 12yrs. 

How much do you think I'm really spending on my "upgrade"?

And i should point out, its infinitely easier selling a used console than it is selling a used GPU/CPU for a PC. You can even go to popular retailers and trade in your console (albeit you will get more if u sell it yourself).

zero129 said:
Ruler said:

I am all for hardware upgrades how you come to this idea? 

From you with all the times you used "I dont have to upgrade my hardware all the time" as a negitive for PC.

I guess you dont mind now that Sony might be doing it.

Anyway if its a thing that the is a new console pretty much every year i can see a lot of people becoming PC gamers.

this is the same thing like buying a new console every 5 years, instead its 3 years and the games will be forward and backward compatible. I dont know how you think it is similiar to PC where you upgrade every single component and espacially the Windows OS giving you nothing but problems