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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XV - World of Wonder Environment Footage (and Gorgeous Day/Night Cycle Video)

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You will be able to walk freely everywhere you can see and stuff will be happening ? This city looks gigantic.

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Netyaroze said:
You will be able to walk freely everywhere you can see and stuff will be happening ? This city looks gigantic.

Yes but not from the get go. You unlock new regions that weren't available before as you advance further in the game.


Looks amazing ^^

This video was shown back on March 30 wasn't it?

I think FF15 is going to struggle to run smoothly on the PS4, Id hate to think how it's going to run on the X1. I'm hoping this Neo thing is real cause I'll much rather play it on that then these vanilla consoles.

Really a beautifull trailer and the soundtrack too

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Such a shame FFVII remake isn't using this engine.

Hopefully they keep Luminous for FFXVI and beyond, it really has all of the boxes ticked.

I don't have a PS4 yet but will be waiting to see if Neo is real, if so that will certainly be my platform of choice for this game.

Looks amazing, September 30th can't come soon enough.

BasilZero said:
think-man said:
This video was shown back on March 30 wasn't it?

Was it?

I thought only Uncovered and Reclaim the throne was shown o.O

Yes.  This video was shown in the Uncovered Event.


That world looks pretty damn amazing, they do know how to lure me back in.

Don't ruin the moment

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