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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ubisoft CEO Warns of Dangers of a Hostile Takeover by Vivendi


Do you think Vivendi will acquire Ubisoft some day?

Yes 43 62.32%
No 20 28.99%
See results 6 8.70%

I have no idea how this works, so this is probably a stupid question, but couldn't Ubi prevent a hostile takeover simply by buying back a majority part of their shares?

As in, the typical movie ending where the good guys end up having 51% of the shares and can save the company because of that?

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SuperNova said:

I have no idea how this works, so this is probably a stupid question, but couldn't Ubi prevent a hostile takeover simply by buying back a majority part of their shares?

As in, the typical movie ending where the good guys end up having 51% of the shares and can save the company because of that?


They can, but not "simply".

I hate Ubiplay, Ubisoft and the fact that killed the Heroes of Might and Magic Series so I couldnt care less to be honest.

Teeqoz said:
SuperNova said:

I have no idea how this works, so this is probably a stupid question, but couldn't Ubi prevent a hostile takeover simply by buying back a majority part of their shares?

As in, the typical movie ending where the good guys end up having 51% of the shares and can save the company because of that?


They can, but not "simply".

Well, I did say I wasn't sure how this works, so no need to be condescending right?  (I apologize if sounding condesending was not your intent, but that's how it came off to me.)

I was looking for actual information there though, so how about you explain to me me why exactly it will be difficult to do instead? Because if my company was facing a hostile takeover I'd be moving heaven and hell to prevent it.

Ballas said:
JEMC said:

That already happened with AC and we get a Far Cry game every two years (FC Primal_2016, FC4_2014, FC3_2012).

Ubisoft doesn't need help to milk their own franchises.

They are not doing it any more with AC and one game every two years is fine.

They aren't doing it annually because they can't, not because they don't want to.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

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SuperNova said:
Teeqoz said:


They can, but not "simply".

Well, I did say I wasn't sure how this works, so no need to be condescending right?  (I apologize if sounding condesending was not your intent, but that's how it came off to me.)

I was looking for actual information there though, so how about you explain to me me why exactly it will be difficult to do instead? Because if my company was facing a hostile takeover I'd be moving heaven and hell to prevent it.

Ahh sorry.

I'll try to go a little bit more indepth (though I by now means have extensive knowledge of this).

I don't think Ubisoft can actually mount a takeover defence by buying their own shares. The reason this works in the movies is because it's not the company itself owning that 51%, but the private person (or at least a 3rd party shareholder). What Ubisoft are trying to do now is to get enough shareholders (>50%)  to "agree" on not selling their stake and not agreeing to a potential takeover bid.

I don't want to see this happen either, but let's not pretend Ubisoft is one of the good guys. DRM, buggy launches, annualized series, accusations of media manipulation. I love Ubisoft Montpellier but the company in general is contributing to many problems in the video game industry.

I'm all for the take over.

Ubisoft already killed what little I enjoyed left from them so might as well change it up. I can't see them getting any worst as it is anyways.

I think hostile takeovers should be illegal. Like a company can only own a set percentage of stock in another company, which includes individuals working in the buying company. It's ridiculous that a company can force another to be sold to it.

thismeintiel said:
I think hostile takeovers should be illegal. Like a company can only own a set percentage of stock in another company, which includes individuals working in the buying company. It's ridiculous that a company can force another to be sold to it.

They can't force it unless they get majority approval. And if there would be a limit, why on earth would it include stocks owned by individuals working in the buying company?