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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Much needed PS3 Hype

I am normally someone who doesn't like the PS3 because of several of its well known issues, but there are several positive arguments about the system which are annoyingly absent in the Sony fanboy arguments.  So I am making this thread to talk about all of the positive  about the PS3 which are too often ignored.  This thread will cover everything from the hardware to software.  It is also designed to debunk several of the flaws which are commonly mis represented here.


- Hardware


Controller Vibration feature - I am not 100% certain but it looks like the rumble feature was removed because of the lawsuit that Immersion had succesfully filed against Sony for Patent infringement.  As of March 1st Sony has come to an agreement with Immersion begin work on the rumble feature in a joint venture.  Now this lawsuit is cleared up and they are working on getting that rumble feature back.  It was never really Sony's fault that the Rumble wasn't included seeing as how they were sued...


Blue Ray Drive - Sony's decision to include this piece of technology is often criticized for the cost increase that it caused in the PS3 system.  What people ignore now is that because Sony included this into the PS3 they may just win the format war.  Sony has always had bad luck when it came to formats and who can honestly blame them for not wanting to lose again.  Furthermore, the cost of a seperate Blue Ray player is as high as 1000 dollars.  The one in the PS3 is actually better than that one and only tacks on an extra 200.  So in reality you are getting one hell of a deal here.  If Sony does win the format war this low price could prove invaluable to the PS3 revival.


- Software


I just wanna say right now that everyone who has criticized Sony's upcoming game titles should be ashamed of themselves.  Most reviewers that have given mixed reactions to a game have only played it for 3 minutes.  If you want to praise the game that's different, then you are only supporting your team.  If you are criticizing it then you are probably looking for a fight.  Not to say that some people have made insane claims when it comes to supporting their team which are hard to ignore. 


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Ehh all thats been said plenty times.

True, I almost stopped myself from posting it. Probably should have. I am just a little tired of hearing about us being biased. So I decided to post something good about the PS3. Probably a bad way too go seeing as how I am tired and my mind is a little foggy. If you guys are gonna keep claiming that we are biased here, can you atleast give me an example in a thread of an admin being biased and then telling me what he should have said?



Controller vibration - most gamers dont care if this included or not. Its would be nice to have but its not a console maker or breaker, so it doesnt matter.

Blue Ray - It doesnt translate to a much better movie experience than HD so why even bother making a new format to begin with? Simple, they want to win this so called format war so that they can make money from selling the license. In other words, it didnt have to happen but Sony got greedy. The extra capacity is not needed nor will it be used in this generation of gaming or movies. Some companies claimed they needed the space but it was only because they chose not to compress things properly. There are no games in the market coming or otherwise that need 9gigs of space save for some MMO's on the PC. No console game should even come close.

Format War? - Imho, there isnt one. Since the formats are currently so volatile (we should see 100gig discs very soon), it will be impossible to pin down any single format. Plus people are generally happy with normal DVD. A normal person really cant tell the difference between DVD and HD or blue ray nor do they care to. This isnt like the days of VHS vs DVD. This is just DVD1 vs DVD2 vs DVD3 to the common consumer. They are all DVD as far as they are concerned and since consoles will barely penetrate about 10% of all households, I dont think any definitive change is going to happen. I think that DVD will remain, and HD and Blue Ray movies will be phased out like Beta vs VHS years ago. VHS won because they simply had a larger install base despite being lower quality. If I had to pick between HD & blue ray however, ill place my money on HD. Blue ray has more capacity but HD is cheaper and already has decent penetration.

The controller vibration is something which varies from gamer to gamer, but it's generally thought to be a plus to everyone. Some people even consider it must have. The difference between a Blue Ray and an HD DVD is pretty invisible I'll give you that but the size I would have to disagree with you on. Would you be surprised to realize that most games for the PC go over and above that 9 gb limit of the regular DVD's? So the idea that a larger disc format isn't needed isn't necesarilly true. I don't believe that Blue Ray is necesary with it's larger price tag attached but I would like it if there was a larger disc format available in this generation. Pretty much every game for the 360 is at the current limit. Do you think that they wouldn't have gone at the very least just a little bit bigger if they had the chance? I do however, agree that HD DVD or Blue Ray discs aren't needed but I would prefer that at least one of the consoles this generation comes with one standard. Personally, I believe that Blue Ray and HD DVD discs are in their infancy. So until costs of production goes down I don't believe that they should be standard like DVD's. While I do agree with you that Blue Ray format will be replaced with something even bigger, I really doubt it will be anytime soon. Last time with CD's they were stretching their capacity to the limit making it so that one game had 5 CD's. If they had switched over sooner the DVD phase would have lasted much longer. This time jumping from an 9 gb DVD to a 25-50 GB is a big difference. I doubt they will be filling those up anytime soon. When that cost does go down I think we are gonna see the PS3 pick up some real power.

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this place is biased, thats a fact. only people who own all 3 consoles should be mods, not people that hate on the PS3 cause they cant afford it.

Sorry but can people start spelling Blu-ray right. Anyway the main thing I like the Blu-ray discs for is the storage space, being the lazy person I am I hate changing discs and if I am watching a TV show season on video I want all the episodes all on one disc not 4 or 5 of them with 3 or so episodes each. And when you get those DVD's that tell you get get up and change discs to see one of the special features you just clicked on pisses me off. So I think Blu is worth it just for the extra gigs

Blue3 said:
this place is biased, thats a fact. only people who own all 3 consoles should be mods, not people that hate on the PS3 cause they cant afford it.

because only people who can't afford PS3's don't have one and don't like them?

damn, I must have less money than I thought... 


Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

Blue3 said:
this place is biased, thats a fact. only people who own all 3 consoles should be mods, not people that hate on the PS3 cause they cant afford it.

 Blue3, some people do choose not to get it regardless of price.  Still, it's priced high for a lot of people.  I probably wouldn't have one if I didn't sell another one at launch.  If you are rich then good for you.  There are some games on the 360 I'd like to play if they fixed the problems with the system (like the added costs), but I'm waiting for price drops.

I don't even know who all the mods are, but there are certainly a majority Wii fan base here.  Maybe because a vg chart website attracts the console that is dominating the charts...I just wish the Sony hate would stop.  There are just as many problems with the 360 right now (different ones), but all the hate seems to be for Sony here (except for the biased Sony fan-boys).  The Wii love isn't just limited to the mods, though.  A lot of the bans do seem to be the Sony lovers, though...but some of you guys do go overboard.  I think that alex guy is just as bad with his 100 posts of slightly different topics, but whatever.  The more people discussing the better, usually...


DarkD said:
The difference between a Blue Ray and an HD DVD is pretty invisible I'll give you that but the size I would have to disagree with you on. Would you be surprised to realize that most games for the PC go over and above that 9 gb limit of the regular DVD's? So the idea that a larger disc format isn't needed isn't necesarilly true. I don't believe that Blue Ray is necesary with it's larger price tag attached but I would like it if there was a larger disc format available in this generation. Pretty much every game for the 360 is at the current limit. Do you think that they wouldn't have gone at the very least just a little bit bigger if they had the chance

I wouldnt mind larger capacity discs at all however... given what I know about writable dvd quality I would be very hesitent using ones with even larger capacity. You know those little hair line scratches you get every now and then, well on these new discs they can destroy tons of data since data is spaced so much more closely together. Not to mention how vulnerable the media is to just moderate temperature changes especially once the coating becomes brittle.

I simply dont trust the media very much and since hard drives are so big and internet is relatively fast, what do we still need DVDr's for? I mean... i have over maybe 300 fully writen dvdr's (all containing recorded movies and tv shows) but havent written anything to a dvdr in almost 3 years now since I find the practice completely worthless with online dvd rentals being as cheap as they are. I dont need them for anything anymore and I cant think of any realistic use for them aside from movies and tv shows if you have a dvr type setup like I do. I would love to use them for data storage but that would be plain stupid to do given their reliability.

High capacity mobile media is a great thing but this media format is definitly not the answer to all the PC users dreams. The real answer is solid state storage like flash memory sticks and we already have little small USB sticks that can hold 8 gigs. They are much more durable and can last virtually forever unlike fluid coated discs.

As far as game capacity goes... there is no reason whatsoever for any game to take up 9gigs. Oblivion (a game that I didnt like very much), which I think is the epitome of modern gaming from a technical standpoint in terms of performance, quality, and programming only uses about 4gigs.... just 4 and that game took almost 4 years to develop. With exception to MMO's what game can even come close to Oblivion in size and quality? Any game that uses more than maybe 5or6 gigs is simply poorly made. Not compressed properly or purposely inflated (uncompressed) for egoistic bragging rights a la "look at our game, its 5 times larger than so and so" when it really isnt. Hell the biggest game i have ever seen is probably Everquest and that is almost 10 years old and has what... like 12 expansions and even with its unimaginably huge world it barely takes up 12 gigs of space. EQ2 which is as high as high quality graphics can be today barely eats 8 gigs and that also features a much bigger ingame world than any console game I can think of.