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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Star Fox Zero Review Thread: MC: 69 / GR: 68.84%

pokoko said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

I don't know if that's necessarily it. I think some fans are lamenting the fact that there isn't an audience out there for a 90s rail shooter. If Panzer Dragoon came out today it would probably be ripped to shreds. Yet I think it's one of the best games I've ever played.

There's great diversity in the industry, particularly among independent game developers. But not all genres are created equal.

There were definitely a few comments that seemed to imply that the score of Star Fox is the fault of open world games being popular.  Reading back over it, it's pretty clear that some people were trying to construct that as a scapegoat.

As for the genre, just from skimming the reviews I can tell that Star Fox could have gotten a much better score if it had taken care of most of the more common criticisms.  What if it had more intuitive controls?  What if it had a lot more content and been more inventive?  It sounds like they could have made a better game, regardless of the genre, and it would have gotten better reviews.

Fair enough. But I do think the market for certain "old-school" game experiences is shrinking, and the appetite for open-world action games is growing. And reviewers are reflecting that popular consensus.

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spemanig said:

You're being a bit disingenuous. He gave a detailed critique of the game before writing that. He did his job. The only thing he didn't do was given number, which would've obviously dried Star Fox Zero's score way down.

He admited that he didn't make a good-faith effort to complete it or that he didn't even complete to game (it only lasts like 2 hours one playthrough, it's not too much to ask? XD), which for me is... basically what a reviewer must do. Writing an article about not beating the game... I just don't get what's the point of it, unless you're searching for some clicks. A review is useless if you admit that you haven't even put any effort in the game. I get that sometimes reviewers have to review games that they don't like, it's part of their job. At least that's what I think about the topic... 

Although, to be fair, at least he admited that he didn't finish the game and he didn't give the game a proper score, so I'm not sure how to feel about it. I can't say he isn't honest, that's for sure lol.

Mike321 said:

Volterra_90 said:

 By the way, when will be the short aired? Is it in 2 hours or tomorrow? 


It's live on Twitch in 2 minutes :P

Volterra_90 said:

It's live on Twitch in 2 minutes :P

I know, someone already told me I was wrong


For better or worse, I was just four points off, although the game certainly scored around what people was expecting. Outside of some optimistic ones, which were aiming way too high.


It's the second worst Star Fox to date, according to metacritic.

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RIP Star Fox.

He'll live on as an overrated character in some random fighting game.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

I think it's worth noting that even though the score isn't great, only one reviewer on Meteoritic gave it a negative review. (Giant Bomb)

So out of 47 reviews, 25 were positive, 21 were mixed, and 1 was negative. Not knocking anyone's socks off, but at least most people don't actually think it's a bad game.

Forced motion controls were a bad idea. SF64 had at least twenty hours of content if you unlocked ace mode. I don't think I could handle two hours of bad motion controls, much less twenty. SFZero is something that I'll pass on.

SJReiter said:
I think it's worth noting that even though the score isn't great, only one reviewer on Meteoritic gave it a negative review. (Giant Bomb)

So out of 47 reviews, 25 were positive, 21 were mixed, and 1 was negative. Not knocking anyone's socks off, but at least most people don't actually think it's a bad game.

If we could change it so mixed reviews range from 40 to 60 instead of 50 to 75, all would be okay

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

Slightly lower than I was predicting, but in the ball park. Just from videos of the gameplay recently it felt like a rather underwhelming game. And 72 is an underwhelming score.

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