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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Star Fox Zero Review Thread: MC: 69 / GR: 68.84%

celador said:
I don't understand why spoiler tags are being used for scores in a review thread.

Anyway, about where I expected it to be. Probably not going to bother with it,

The suspense, man.

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Pavolink said:

The suspense, man.

I like them, keep using them :P

And now Nintendo will think nobody wants Starfox anymore when the game doesn't sell.

Interesting to see some people trying to rationalize the score as being the fault of reviews only liking open world games when plenty of non-open world games get good scores.

It's nice to see that SF: Guard is a decent game. I might give it a chance. In fact, it has a better metascore than Zero! haha.

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Soundwave said:

Kinda predictable. Will still get it because I'm a Star Fox die hard, but Nintendo has mismanaged this franchise, in particular for whatever reason Mr. Miyamoto seemed to believe that simply making a sequel to Star Fox 64 was beneath Nintendo.

So you have an N64 game (Star Fox 64) that sold an impressive 3.32 million copies, but instead of being prioritized for GameCube, Miyamoto forces Rare to change a Zelda adventure game called Dinosaur Planet into Star Fox Adventures. Because everyone who loves Star Fox should love a Star Fox game that isn't a space shooter.

Then the IP is farmed out to Namco, since I guess again Nintendo felt they shouldn't be developing it.

Then we have Star Fox Command on the DS, which has an awkward touchscreen control scheme forced into it, even though franchises like Mario Kart and NSMB are smart enough to control traditionally.

The Wii was the perfect time to relaunch the franchise with a large userbase, but Nintendo instead squanders that opportunity by not having the franchise at all.

On Wii U, Star Fox 0 seems more of a vanity project for Miyamoto to prove the tablet controls were worthwhile by shoehorning in a dual screen control setup that no one asked for. It's probably going to bomb sales wise so we won't see the franchise again for ages. 

Miyamoto's vanity could put the game on the NX to recover costs and the franchise itself. If NX sells well, the franchise could still grow that way.

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pokoko said:
Interesting to see some people trying to rationalize the score as being the fault of reviews only liking open world games when plenty of non-open world games get good scores.

I don't know if that's necessarily it. I think some fans are lamenting the fact that there isn't an audience out there for a 90s rail shooter. If Panzer Dragoon came out today it would probably be ripped to shreds. Yet I think it's one of the best games I've ever played.

There's great diversity in the industry, particularly among independent game developers. But not all genres are created equal.

So far it's lower than I expected, then again I may have overestimated the game.


Mike321 said:
So far it's lower than I expected, then again I may have overestimated the game.

I overstimate it a bit, but I always expect it to be on the 70-80 arc. Which I think is clear is that people who're not into the control scheme, won't like it, and reviews won't do anything to convince them. People who are willing to give it a shot, might like it. Let's see how our opinions will be next week! For a start, people would need to think that the whole dual-screen WiiU experience works. I think that the Gamepad was designed with these experiences in mind. 

By the way, when will be the short aired? Is it in 2 hours or tomorrow? 

Honestly I think the game scored really good if compared to all the rumors we recieved concerning how tough it was for developers to work with this strange control system as well as how the game looked when first shown (no blurry monitor jokes from E3 2014 please )...